8.4.2. Parameter Accessor¶
Collection of APIs to access parameters.
Retrieve the value of a double-valued parameter
Retrieve the value of a integer-valued parameter
Retrieve the value of a string-valued parameter
Set the value of a double-valued parameter
Set the value of an integer-valued parameter
Set the value of a string-valued parameter
Retrieve information and the current value of a double-valued parameter
Retrieve information and the current value of an integer-valued parameter
Retrieve information and the current value of a string-valued parameter
Load parameter settings into environment from a file
Serialize parameter settings to a file
Reset all parameters to their default values
- int MDOgetdblparam(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, double *valueP)¶
Retrieve the value of a double-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The parameter holder environment.
paramname (const char*) – [in] Parameter name to retrieve.
valueP (double*) – [out] The place to hold the parameter value.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOgetintparam(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, int *valueP)¶
Retrieve the value of a integer-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The parameter holder environment.
paramname (const char*) – [in] parameter name to Retrieve.
valueP (int*) – [out] The place to hold the parameter value.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOgetstrparam(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, char *valueP)¶
Retrieve the value of a string-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The parameter holder environment.
paramname (const char*) – [in] Parameter name to retrieve.
valueP (char*) – [out] The place to hold the parameter value. It should have enough capacity to store the result string.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOsetdblparam(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, double newvalue)¶
Set the value of a double-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The parameter holder environment.
paramname (const char*) – [in] Parameter name to set.
newvalue (double) – [in] The new parameter value.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOsetintparam(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, int newvalue)¶
Set the value of an integer-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The parameter holder environment.
paramname (const char*) – [in] The name of the parameter to set.
newvalue (int) – [in] The new value for the parameter.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOsetstrparam(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, const char *newvalue)¶
Set the value of a string-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The parameter holder environment.
paramname (const char*) – [in] The name of the parameter to set.
newvalue (const char*) – [in] The new value for the parameter.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOgetdblparaminfo(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, double *valueP, double *minP, double *maxP, double *defaultP)¶
Retrieve information and the current value of a double-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The environment holding the parameter.
paramname (const char*) – [in] The name of the parameter to retrieve information and value for.
valueP (double*) – [out] Location to store the current parameter value.
minP (double*) – [out] Location to store the minimum acceptable parameter value.
maxP (double*) – [out] Location to store the maximum acceptable parameter value.
defaultP (double*) – [out] Location to store the default parameter value.
- Returns
A response code indicating the status of the function.
- int MDOgetintparaminfo(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, int *valueP, int *minP, int *maxP, int *defaultP)¶
Retrieve information and the current value of an integer-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The environment holding the parameter.
paramname (const char*) – [in] The name of the parameter to retrieve information and value for.
valueP (int*) – [out] Location to store the current parameter value.
minP (int*) – [out] Location to store the minimum acceptable parameter value.
maxP (int*) – [out] Location to store the maximum acceptable parameter value.
defaultP (int*) – [out] Location to store the default parameter value.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOgetstrparaminfo(MDOenv *env, const char *paramname, char *valueP, char *defaultP)¶
Retrieve information and the current value of a string-valued parameter.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The parameter holder environment.
paramname (const char*) – [in] parameter name to Retrieve information and value.
valueP (char*) – [out] Place to hold the current parameter value. It should have enough capacity to store the result string.
defaultP (char*) – [out] Place to hold the default parameter value. It should have enough capacity to store the result string.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOreadparams(MDOenv *env, const char *filename)¶
Load parameter settings into environment from a file.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The environment pointer.
filename (const char*) – [in] The path to the parameter file. Its compression type (if any) should be encoded into its suffix. Valid suffixes are: .gz and .bz2.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- int MDOwriteparams(MDOenv *env, const char *filename)¶
Serialize parameter settings to a file.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The environment pointer.
filename (const char*) – [in] The path to the parameter file. Its compression type (if any) can be encoded into its suffix. Valid suffixed are: .gz and .bz2.
- Returns
A response code that specifies the status of the function.
- void MDOresetparams(MDOenv *env)¶
Reset all parameters to their default values.
- Parameters
env (MDOenv*) – [in] The environment pointer.