8.7.23. Model¶
- class Model¶
Represents a mathematical optimization model.
Construct a Model
Add a constraint
Add a set of constraints
Add a new indicator constraint to model
Add a linear constraint
Add a set of constraints in form Ax <= B
Add an MVar
Add a PsdVar
Add a quadratic constraint
Add a range constraint
Add a new SOS constraint to the model
Add a variable
Add a set of variables
Indicate a new branching by specifying a variable and a split point between the lower and upper bounds of this variable
Add a new cutting plane to the MIP model
Retrieve additional data about the optimization progress
Retrieve solution values of the current relaxed problem
Retrieve values of the best solution so far
Provide a new feasible solution for a MIP model
If you have already provided a solution using cbSetSolution, you can optionally call this method to immediately submit the solution to the MIP solver
Modify a coefficient value in the constraint matrix
Compute an IIS(Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem)
Return a copy of a Model
Release the resources associated with the Model
Obtain the constraint matrix
Obtain the value of an attribute
Obtain a coefficient value in the constraint matrix
Obtain the column corresponding to a variable
Obtain the constraint object by its name
Obtain a list of all constraints in the Model
Retrieve an indicator constraint from model by its object
Retrieve all general constraints in this model
Get the expression of the objective function
You can call this method to obtain information about a parameter
Obtain a list of all PsdConstrs in the Model
Obtain a list of all PsdVars in the Model
Get the expression of the quadratic constraint
Obtain the quadratic constraint object by its name
Obtain a list of all quadratic constraints in the model
Get the expression of the constraint
Retrieve information about an SOS constraint
Retrieve all SOS constraints in model
Obtain a variable object by its name
Obtain a list of all variables in the model
Print a string into log
Start model optimization
Read data from a file
Remove some variables or constraints from the model
Set the model to the unsolved state and clear all data related to the solution
Reset all parameters to their default values
Set an attribute value
Set the objective function
Set the value of a parameter
Send a stop request to the solver within a MIP callback function
Write data of model to a file
- __init__(name='', env=None)¶
Construct a Model.
- Parameters
name='' – The name of the Model.
env=None – The Environment corresponding to the Model. If env is None, the default Environment is used.
Model() Model("DietProblem") env = Env("env.log") Model("", env)
- addConstr(tmpConstr, name='')¶
Add a constraint. The return value may be a Constr or QConstr, PsdConstr, MConstr, or MQConstr, depending on the value of the TempConstr.
- Parameters
tmpConstr –
The TempConstr to be added. TempConstr objects are typically obtained by using comparison operators among the following types:
name='' – The name of the constraint. If a MConstr or MQConstr is returned, a subscript is appended to the name of each constraint as a suffix.
x = m.addVar() mat = m.addMVar((2, 2)) m.addConstr(x + 1 <= 2, name="Constr") m.addConstr(mat + 1 <= 2, name="MConstr") coeff = numpy.array([[2, 1], [1, 2]]) px = m.addPsdVar(dim = 2) m.addConstr(coeff * px == 2, name="PsdConstr")
- addConstrs(generator, name='')¶
Add a set of constraints. Returns a tupledict where the key is the index of the constraint, generated by the generator, and the value is the constraint itself.
- Parameters
generator – Constraint generator that yields constraints.
name='' – The name of the constraint. If the name is not None or an empty string, a subscript is appended to the name of each constraint as a suffix.
v = m.addMVar((2, 2)) c = m.addConstrs((v[i, j].item() <= 1 for i in range(2) for j in range(2)), name='c')
If the generator does not provide a subscript, an exception will be thrown.
- addGenConstrIndicator(Var binvar, bool binval, lhs, str sense=None, float rhs=None, str name="")¶
Add a new indicator constraint to model.
- Parameters
binvar (Var) – The binary variable of new indicator constraint.
binval (bool) – The binary value when indicator constraint take effect.
lhs – Can be one of the types float , Var , LinExpr , or TempConstr . It is the left-hand-side value of the new indicator constraint.
sense=None (str) –
The sense of new constraint. Possible values are:
rhs=None (float) – The right-hand-side value of new constraint.
name="" (str) – The name of new constraint.
If lhs is of type TempConstr , argument sense and rhs should be None.
- addLConstr(lhs, sense=None, rhs=None, name='')¶
Add a linear constraint
- Parameters
lhs – The left part of the constraint. Can be TempConstr, in which case sense and rhs are ignored. It can also be a number, a variable, or a linear expression.
sense=None –
The sense of the constraint. Possible values are:
Default value is MDO.LESS_EQUAL
rhs=None – The right part of the constraint. Can be a number, a variable, or a linear expression
name='' – The name of the constraint.
m.addLConstr(linExpr, '>', 0)
- addMConstr(A, x, sense, b, name='')¶
Add a set of constraints in form Ax <= B. Return a MConstr object.
- Parameters
A – A two-dimensional array or numpy.ndarray. Coefficient matrix
x – The variable vector, which can be a one-dimensional array or numpy.ndarray. All variables of the model are used when None is set.
sense –
It can be a character, a one-dimensional array, or a numpy.ndarray, indicating a comparison character in a constraint. A comparison charater can be one of:
b – The right value of the constraint. It can be a one-dimensional array or numpy.ndarray.
name='' – The name of the constraint. If the name is not None, a subscript is appended to the name of the constraint as the suffix.
- addMVar(shape, lb=0.0, ub=float('inf'), obj=0.0, vtype='C', name='')¶
Add an MVar
- Parameters
shape – Specifies the shape of the MVar to be added.
lb=0.0 – The lower bound of all variables in MVar, It can be a single number, array, or numpy.ndarray. If it is numpy.ndarray, the corresponding shape is required.
ub=float('inf') – The upper bound of all variables in MVar. It can be a single number, array, or numpy.ndarray. If it is numpy.ndarray, the corresponding shape is required.
obj=0.0 – The coefficients of all variables in MVar in the objective function. It can be a single number, array, or numpy.ndarray. If it is numpy.ndarray, the corresponding shape is required.
vtype='C' –
The type of all variables in MVar, which can be a single character, array, or numpy.ndarray. If numpy.ndarray is set, the corresponding shape is required. The type of variable includes:
MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) for continuous variable
MDO.BINARY(‘B’) for binary variable
MDO.INTEGER(‘I’) for integral variable
MDO.SEMICONT(‘S’) for semi-continuous variable
and MDO.SEMIINT(‘N’) for semi-integral variable
name='' – The names of all variables in MVar. If it is not None, the variable name is name plus the corresponding subscript.
m.addMVar((2, 2)) m.addMVar((2, 2), lb = 0) m.addMVar((2, 2), lb = [1, 2, 3, 4])
- addPsdVar(dim=0, obj=None, name='')¶
Add a PsdVar.
- Parameters
dim=0 – Matrix dimension of the PsdVar
obj=None – The objective coefficient of the PsdVar, it is a symmetric square matrix.
name='' – The name of the PsdVar.
m.addPsdVar(dim = 2, "X0") m.addPsdVar(obj = mat)
Arguments dim and obj , you must specify exactly one.
- addQConstr(lhs, sense=None, rhs=None, name='')¶
Add a quadratic constraint
- Parameters
lhs – The left-hand side of the constraint. Can be a TempConstr, in which case sense and rhs are ignored. It can also be a number, a variable, a linear expression, or a quadratic expression.
sense=None –
The sense of the constraint. Possible values are:
Default value is MDO.LESS_EQUAL
rhs=None – The right-hand side of the constraint. Can be a number, a variable, a linear expression, or a quadratic expression.
name='' – The name of the new constraint.
If the expressions contain no quadratic terms, the method will raise an error.
- addRange(expr, lower, upper, name='')¶
Add a range constraint
- Parameters
expr – The expression in the constraint. Can be a Var or a LinExpr, or a PsdExpr.
lower – The lower bound for expr . It can only be a number or None. None indicates negative infinity.
upper – The upper bound for expr . It can only be a number or None. None indicates positive infinity.
name='' – The name of the constraint.
m.addRange(x * 2 + y * 3, 1, 10) m.addRange(mat1 * px1, 0, 1)
- addSOS(type, vars, wts=None)¶
Add a new SOS constraint to the model.
- Parameters
type –
Type for the new SOS constraint. Valid types include:
vars – The list of variables associated with the new SOS constraint.
wts=None – The list of weights for each participating variable. Default value: [1, 2, …]
m = Model() x = m.addVars(3) m.addSOS(MDO.SOS_TYPE1, list(x.values()))
- addVar(lb=0, ub=float('inf'), obj=0, vtype='C', name='', column=None)¶
Add a variable.
- Parameters
lb=0 – Variable lower bound.
ub=float('inf') – Variable upper bound.
obj=0 – Coefficient of variable in objective function.
vtype='C' –
The type of variable includes:
MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) for continuous variable
MDO.BINARY(‘B’) for binary variable
MDO.INTEGER(‘I’) for integral variable
MDO.SEMICONT(‘S’) for semi-continuous variable
and MDO.SEMIINT(‘N’) for semi-integral variable
name='' – The name of the variable.
column=None – Set the coefficient of a variable in an existing constraint.
m.addVar() m.addVar(vtype=MDO.INTEGER) m.addVar(name='x')
- addVars(*indices, lb=0.0, ub=float('inf'), obj=0.0, vtype='C', name='')¶
Add a set of variables. Return a tupledict with key as the index and value as the variable.
- Parameters
*indices –
Index of variables
lb=0.0 – The lower bound of all variables, which can be a single number, array, or numpy.ndarray. If it is numpy.ndarray, its shape must be equal to indices
ub=float('inf') – The upper bound of all variables, which can be a single number, array, or numpy.ndarray. If it is numpy.ndarray, its shape must be equal to indices
obj=0.0 – The coefficients of all variables in the objective function, which can be a single number, array, or numpy.ndarray. If it is numpy.ndarray, its shape must be equal to indices
vtype='C' –
The type of all variables, which can be a single character, array, or numpy.ndarray. If it is numpy.ndarray, its shape must be equal to indices The type of variable includes:
MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) for continuous variable
MDO.BINARY(‘B’) for binary variable
MDO.INTEGER(‘I’) for integral variable
MDO.SEMICONT(‘S’) for semi-continuous variable
and MDO.SEMIINT(‘N’) for semi-integral variable
name='' – The names of all variables. If it is not None or ‘’, the variable name is name , plus a subscript as its suffix.
m.addVars(2, 2) m.addVars(2, 2, lb=0) m.addVars(2, 2, lb=[1, 2, 3, 4]) m.addVars(2, 2, lb=numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4]).reshape(2,2)) td = m.addVars(2, 2) linExpr = td.sum()
- cbBranch(var, value, way)¶
Indicate a new branching by specifying a variable and a split point between the lower and upper bounds of this variable. Method returns:
0: Successful submission
1: Submission is valid but incorrect (infeasible, etc)
2: Submission is correct but not being accepted.
- Parameters
var – The variable.
value – The split point. It should be between the lower and upper bounds of the variable.
way –
The branch to consider first. Valid options are:
<0: the down-way branch is considered first.
>0: the up-way branch is considered first.
Method can only be called within a callback function.
- cbCut(lhs, sense, rhs)¶
Add a new cutting plane to the MIP model. Method returns:
0: Successful submission
1: Submission is valid but incorrect (infeasible, etc)
2: Submission is correct but not being accepted.
- Parameters
lhs – Left-hand-side value for the new cutting plane. Can be Var or LinExpr .
sense – Sense for the new cutting plane (e.g., <=, >=, ==).
rhs – Right-hand-side value for the new cutting plane. Can be Var or LinExpr .
This method can only be called within a callback function.
- cbGet(what)¶
Retrieve additional data about the optimization progress.
- Parameters
what – The data ID requested by the user callback.
Method can only be called within a callback function.
- cbGetNodeRel(vars)¶
Retrieve solution values of the current relaxed problem.
- Parameters
vars – Var object or a list of Var objects to indicate variables for which to retrieve solution values.
This method can only be called within a callback function.
- cbGetSolution(vars)¶
Retrieve values of the best solution so far.
- Parameters
vars – Var object or a list of Var objects to indicate variables to retrieve their solution values.
This method can only be called within a callback function.
- cbSetSolution(vars, sol)¶
Provide a new feasible solution for a MIP model. The objective value corresponding to the new solution will be returned if it is feasible.
- Parameters
vars – A Var or list of Var objects to indicate the variable(s) for which solution values are provided.
sol – A double value or list of double values to indicate the new feasible solution value(s) to be provided.
This method can only be called within a callback function.
- cbUseSolution()¶
If you have already provided a solution using cbSetSolution , you can optionally call this method to immediately submit the solution to the MIP solver. The method returns a tuple of 2 elements: status and objective value. Status can be:
0: Successful submission
1: Submission is valid but incorrect (infeasible, etc)
2: Submission is correct but not accepted.
This method can only be called within a callback function.
- chgCoeff(constr, var, newvalue)¶
Modify a coefficient value in the constraint matrix.
- Parameters
constr – The corresponding constraint.
var – The corresponding variable.
newvalue – The new coefficient value.
coeff = m.getCoeff(constr, var) m.chgCoeff(constr, var, coeff + 1)
- computeIIS(callback=None)¶
Compute an IIS(Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem). IIS is a subset of variable bounds and constraint bounds, this subset satisfies:
The subproblem corresponding to the subset is still infeasible.
After delete any bound in this subset, the subproblem becomes feasible.
Check IIS related attributes for variable and constraint for more details.
- Parameters
callback=None – Set up a user defined callback function.
The cardinality of the subsystem is supposed to be small. Note that the problem is expected to be infeasible.
- copy()¶
Return a copy of a Model.
another = model.copy()
Copying a Model will consume more memory resources.
- dispose()¶
Release the resources associated with the Model.
- getA()¶
Obtain the constraint matrix. A sparse matrix in the scipy.sparse package is returned.
- getAttr(attrname, objs=None)¶
Obtain the value of an attribute.
- Parameters
attrname – The name of the attribute.
objs=None – The list of variables or constraints, which indicates a variable attribute or constraint attribute should be retrieved. If the value is None, a Model attribute will be returned.
v = m.addMVar((3,)) print(m.getAttr("ModelName")) print(m.modelname) print(m.getAttr("VarName", v.tolist())) print(v.varname)
Attribute can also be read and written directly through object attributes, in this case, the attribute name is case-insensitive.
- getCoeff(constr, var)¶
Obtain a coefficient value in the constraint matrix.
- Parameters
constr – Corresponding constraint
var – Corresponding variable
coeff = m.getCoeff(constr, var) m.chgCoeff(constr, var, coeff + 1)
- getCol(var)¶
Obtain the column corresponding to a variable.
- Parameters
var – Corresponding variable
column = m.getCol(x)
- getConstrByName(name)¶
Obtain the constraint object by its name.
- Parameters
name – The name of the constraint.
c.constrname = 'myconstr' print(c.sameAs(m.getConstrByName('myconstr')))
- getConstrs()¶
Obtain a list of all constraints in the Model.
- getGenConstrIndicator(GenConstr genconstr)¶
Retrieve an indicator constraint from model by its object. A tuple with 5 elements will be returned:
Binary variable of this indicator constraint.
Binary value when indicator constraint takes effect.
Linear expression of this indicator constraint.
Constraint sense of this indicator constraint.
Right-hand-side value of this indicator constraint.
- Parameters
genconstr (GenConstr) – The indicator constraint object.
- getGenConstrs()¶
Retrieve all general constraints in this model.
- getObjective()¶
Get the expression of the objective function.
expr = m.getObjective()
- getParamInfo(paramname)¶
You can call this method to obtain information about a parameter. It returns a tuple containing six elements:
The name of the parameter.
Type of the parameter.
The current value of the parameter.
The minimum allowed value of the parameter. For string type parameters, this field is always an empty string (‘’).
The maximum allowed value of the parameter. For string type parameters, this field is always an empty string (‘’).
Default value of the parameter.
- Parameters
paramname – The name of the parameter.
pname, ptype, pval, pmin, pmax, pdef = m.getParamInfo('MaxTime')
Parameter names may contain ‘*’ and ‘?’ wildcard characters. When more than one parameter name is matched, all matching parameters are printed.
- getPsdConstrs()¶
Obtain a list of all PsdConstrs in the Model.
- getPsdVars()¶
Obtain a list of all PsdVars in the Model.
- getQCRow(qconstr)¶
Get the expression of the quadratic constraint.
- Parameters
qconstr – Corresponding quadratic constraints.
- getQConstrByName(name)¶
Obtain the quadratic constraint object by its name.
- Parameters
name – The name of the quadratic constraint.
- getQConstrs()¶
Obtain a list of all quadratic constraints in the model.
- getRow(constr)¶
Get the expression of the constraint.
- Parameters
constr – Corresponding constraint
- getSOS(sos)¶
Retrieve information about an SOS constraint. This method returns a triple:
An integer indicating the SOS type.
A list of participating variables.
A list of weights for each participating variable.
- Parameters
sos – The SOS constraint to retrieve information about.
m = Model() m.addVars(3) sos = m.addSOS(MDO.SOS_TYPE1, m.getVars()) type, vars, wts = m.getSOS(sos)
- getSOSs()¶
Retrieve all SOS constraints in model.
m = Model() x = m.addVars() m.addSOS(MDO.SOS_TYPE1, list(x.values())) print(m.getSOSs())
- getVarByName(name)¶
Obtain a variable object by its name.
- Parameters
name – The name of the variable.
v.varname = 'myvar' print(v.sameAs(m.getVarByName('myvar')))
- getVars()¶
Obtain a list of all variables in the model.
- message(message)¶
Print a string into log
- Parameters
message – The string to be printed.
m.message("Start to optimize") m.optimize() m.message("OK")
- optimize(callback=None)¶
Start model optimization. It may take some time, depends on the complexity of the problem.
- Parameters
callback=None –
Set up a user-defined callback function. A user-defined function takes two arguments, model and where . The model argument can be used for context passing:
def callback(model, where): model._calls += 1 model = read("prob.mps") model._calls = 0 model.optimize(callback) print(model._calls)
Note only member variable with name prefix “_” can be added to model for context passing.
- read(filename)¶
Read data from a file. The data type depends on the suffix of the file name.
- Parameters
filename – The name of the file. The suffix implies the data type. For example, “.prm” indicates that it loads a parameter setting from the file. “.mst” indicates that it loads MIP starts from the file.
- remove(item)¶
Remove some variables or constraints from the model
- Parameters
item –
The object to be deleted. Can be one of the following types:
Var, the variable to be deleted
PsdVar, the PSD variable to be deleted
MVar, the variable matrix to be deleted. All variables in the matrix will be deleted from the Model
Constr, the constraint to be deleted
QConstr, the quadratic constraint to be deleted
PsdConstr, the PSD constraint to be deleted
SOS, the SOS constraint to be deleted
GenConstr, the general constraint to be deleted
MConstr, the constraint matrix to be deleted, all constraints in the matrix will be removed from the model
MQConstr, the quadratic constraint matrix to be deleted, all quadratic constraints in the matrix will be removed from the model
list or tuple, all the above objects in the collection will be deleted from the Model
dict, all the above objects contained in all values will be deleted from the Model, and all keys will be ignored.
m.remove(x) m.remove(c) m.remove([x0, x1, x2]) m.remove({'x0': x0, 'x1': x1})
- reset(clearall=0)¶
Set the model to the unsolved state and clear all data related to the solution.
- Parameters
clearall=0 – When the value is 0, only the solution is cleared; when the value is 1, all relevant data is cleared.
m.optimize() m.reset(1) m.optimize()
- resetParams()¶
Reset all parameters to their default values.
- setAttr(attrname, objs, newvalues=None)¶
Set an attribute value.
- Parameters
attrname – The name of the attribute.
objs – Can be a list of variables or constraints, indicating that an attribute value of a variable or constraint is being set. When newvalues is None, objs is used as the new attribute value.
newvalues=None – An array containing new attribute values. The length of the array should match the length of objs.
m.modelname = "DietProblem" m.setAttr("ModelName", "DietProblem") vars = m.addMVar((3,)) vars.varname = ["x0", "x1", "x2"] name_list = ["x3", "x1", "x2"] var_list = vars.tolist() for i in range(len(var_list)): var_list[i].setAttr("VarName", name_list[i])
Attributes can also be read and written directly through object attributes. In this case, the attribute name is case-insensitive.
- setObjective(expr, sense=0)¶
Set the objective function.
- Parameters
expr – The expression of the objective function.
sense=0 –
The optimization sense of the objective function, including:
MDO.MINIMIZE (1) for minimization
MDO.MAXIMIZE (-1) for maximization
Other values will not change the current optimization sense. The default optimization sense is MDO.MINIMIZE.
m.setObjective(x + 2 * y, MDO.MINIMIZE)
- setParam(paramname, paramvalue)¶
Set the value of a parameter.
- Parameters
paramname – The name of the parameter to be set.
paramvalue – Parameter value.
m.setParam("MaxTime", 10) m.setParam("MaxTi*", 10) m.setParam("MaxTi*", "default")
Parameter names can contain ‘*’ and ‘?’ wildcards. If more than one parameter name is matched, the parameter value is not modified.
When the parameter value is ‘default’, you can reset the parameter to its default value.
- terminate()¶
Send a stop request to the solver within a MIP callback function. Once the solver is terminated, an error code ABORT_CTRL_C will be returned from Model.optimize .
This method can only be called within a callback function.
- write(filename)¶
Write data of model to a file. The data type depends on the suffix of the file name.
- Parameters
filename –
The name of the file to be written. Valid suffixes include:
These will write the model itself into a file. If the suffix is one of
solution, basis, parameter settings, or MIP starts will be written to the file. In addition, after specifying a valid suffix, you can add another ‘.gz’ or ‘.bz2’ suffix to specify the compression format.
m.write("prob.mps") m.write("settings.prm.gz")