8.9.2. model

class model

An optimization model



The linear constraint matrix


The quadratic objective matrix


Constraint names vector


Indicator constraint


It can be LHS or sense


Name of model


Sense of the model


Linear objective vector


Constant offset in the objective function


PSD constraints


PSD variables


Quadratic constraints


RHS (Right Hand Side) of linear constraints


Special Ordered Set (SOS) constraints


Variable names vector


Types of Variables


The linear constraint matrix. Optional attribute, if it exists, must be a MATLAB sparse matrix. Each column in the matrix represents a variable, and each row represents a linear constraint.


The quadratic objective matrix. Optional attribute, if it exists, must be a MATLAB sparse matrix. Q must be a square matrix whose row and column counts are equal to the number of columns in A. In Q, the meanings of Q[i][j] and Q[j][i] are identical. For the objective expression x^2 + xy + y^2, the matrix Q values [1, 0.5; 0.5, 1] are correct. It must be a MATLAB sparse matrix.


Constraint names vector. Optional attribute, if it exists, it must be a cell array composed of char arrays. When present, each element of this vector defines the name of a constraint. Its length should be the same as the number of rows in the linear constraint matrix A.


Indicator constraint. Optional attribute, if it exists, it must be an array of structures, with each structure representing an instruction constraint. The structure needs to include the following attributes.

  • model.genconind(i).binvar

Index of the implicating binary variable. It should be an integer of type double between 1 and the number of model variables. The default value is 0.

  • model.genconind(i).binval

Value for the binary variable that forces the following linear constraint to be satisfied. It must be either 0 or 1. Default is empty.

  • model.genconind(i).a

Vector of coefficients of variables participating in the implied linear constraint. You can specify a value for a for each column of A (dense vector) or pass a sparse vector (sparse n-by-1 matrix). The default value is 0.

  • model.genconind(i).rhs

Right-hand side value of the implied linear constraint. The type must be double. The default value is 0.

  • model.genconind(i).sense

Sense of the implied linear constraint. It should be ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘=’. The default value is ‘<’.

  • model.genconind(i).name

Name of the implied linear constraint. Optional attribute, if it exists, it must be a char array. Default is empty.


It can be LHS or sense. When the provided type is a double array, the value is represented as the left-hand side (LHS) of linear constraints. Its length should match the number of rows in the linear constraint matrix A. When the provided type is a character array, the value represents the sense of linear constraints, and the characters can be ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘=’. Additionally, it can be a single character specifying that all constraints have the same sense. The default value is ‘<’.


Name of model. Optional attribute, if it exists, must be a MATLAB sparse matrix.


Sense of the model. Optional attribute, if it exists, must be a MATLAB sparse matrix. It allows for value ‘max’ or ‘min’. When absent, the default value is minimization.


Linear objective vector. It must be provided and must be an array. Its length should be the same as the number of columns in the linear constraint matrix A.


Constant offset in the objective function. Optional attribute, if it exists, its type must be double. When absent, the default value is 0.


PSD constraints. Optional attribute, if it exists, its type must be an array of structures. Each element in psdcon defines a single PSD constraint. In addition, quadcon can include the following attributes:

  • model.psdcon(i).psdmats

PSD constraint matrix. It must be a one-dimensional cell array, containing several MATLAB sparse matrices, and each matrix must be symmetric.

  • model.psdcon(i).indices

Indices of the corresponding PSD variables for the PSD constraint matrix. Its type must be a one-dimensional array, and its length must be the same as the number of matrices in psdmats. The index in the array represents the corresponding PSD constraint matrix, while the values in the array represent the PSD variables associated with that constraint matrix. The values in the array must not exceed the number of PSD variables, and the size of the corresponding PSD constraint matrix must match the size of the objective matrix for PSD variables.

  • model.psdcon(i).linearterm

The linear part in psdcon. Optional attribute, if it exists, it must be an array or an n*1 sparse vector. Its length should be the same as the number of columns in the constraint matrix.

  • model.psdcon(i).name

Name of the PSD constraint. Optional attribute, if it exists, it must be a char array.

  • model.psdcon(i).lhsorsense

It can be LHS or sense. When the provided type is a double, the value is represented as LHS of PSD constraints. When the provided type is a character, the value is represented as sense of PSD constraints and the character can be ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘=’. The default value is ‘<’.

  • model.psdcon(i).rhs

Right-hand side value of the PSD constraint. The type must be double. The default value is 0.


PSD variables. Optional attribute, if it exists, its type must be an array of structures. Each element in psdvar defines a single PSD variable. In addition, psdvar can include the following attributes:

  • model.psdvar(i).obj

The objective matrix of the PSD variable. It must be a MATLAB sparse matrix and is required to be a real symmetric matrix.

  • model.psdvar(i).name

Name of the PSD variable. Optional attribute; if it exists, it must be a character array.


Quadratic constraints. Optional attribute, if it exists, its type must be an array of structures. Each element in quadcon defines a single quadratic constraint. There are two input methods for the quadcon matrix, corresponding to MATLAB sparse and COO (Coordinate List) sparse formats respectively. For each element in quadcon, you can choose either method to input the quadcon matrix.

  • matlab sparse

Use model.quadcon(i).Qc to input the quadcon matrix. Qc should be a MATLAB sparse matrix. It must be a square matrix whose row and column counts are equal to the number of columns in A.

  • coo sparse

The row indices and column indices of the nonzero values in the quadcon matrix are passed in via model.quadcon(i).Qrow and model.quadcon(i).Qcol, respectively. The nonzero values themselves are passed in via model.quadcon(i).Qval. All of these arrays should have the same length.

In addition, quadcon can also include the following attributes:

  • model.quadcon(i).q

The linear part in the quadratic constraint. Optional attribute, if it exists, it must be an array or an n*1 sparse vector. Its length should be the same as the number of columns in the constraint matrix.

  • model.quadcon(i).rhs

Right-hand side value of the quadratic constraint. The type must be double. The default value is 0.

  • model.quadcon(i).sense

It can be LHS or sense. When the provided type is a double, the value is represented as the left-hand side (LHS) of the quadratic constraint. When the provided type is a character, the value is represented as the sense of the quadratic constraint and the character can be ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘=’. The default value is ‘<’.

  • model.quadcon(i).name

Name of the quadratic constraint. Optional attribute, if it exists, it must be a character array.


RHS (Right Hand Side) of linear constraints. It must be provided and must be an array. Its length should match the number of rows in the linear constraint matrix A. If not provided, all values in RHS default to 0.


Special Ordered Set (SOS) constraints. It is an array of structures. When present, each entry in SOS defines a single SOS constraint. The structure needs to include the following attributes.

  • model.sos(i).type

The type of SOS constraint. It can be either 1 or 2. A type 1 SOS constraint is a set of variables where at most one variable in the set may take a value other than zero. A type 2 SOS constraint is an ordered set of variables where at most two variables in the set may take non-zero values. If two variables take non-zero values, they must be contiguous in the ordered set.

  • model.sos(i).index

The members of an SOS constraint are specified by placing their indices. It must be an array.

  • model.sos(i).weight

SOS members’ weight. It must be an array.


Variable names vector. Optional attribute, if it exists, it must be a cell array composed of char arrays. When present, each element of this vector defines the name of a constraint. Its length should be the same as the number of columns in the linear constraint matrix A.


Types of Variables. Optional attribute, if it exists, each value in the char array represents the type of the variable at the corresponding position. The values can be ‘C’ (continuous), ‘B’ (binary), ‘I’ (integer), ‘S’ (semi-continuous), or ‘N’ (semi-integer). Continuous indicates a real number variable, Binary indicates a binary variable which can only take values 0 or 1, Integer indicates an integer variable, Semi-continuous can take real number values within the lower and upper bounds or 0, and Semi-integer can take integer values within the lower and upper bounds or 0. When absent, the types of variables default to ‘C’.