7.2. AMPL¶
AMPL (A Mathematical Programming Language) is an algebraic modeling language designed to simplify complex optimization problems into abstract algebraic expressions. Users only need to focus on the construction of the algebraic model, and then import data separately after the model is completed. This not only speeds up the development, but also effectively reduces the possibility of model input errors.
Currently, MindOpt can solve Linear Programming models constructed by AMPL on Windows/Linux/macOS platforms. For more information about AMPL, please refer to AMPL official document.
In this section we describe how to use MindOpt’s mindoptampl application to solve AMPL models.
7.2.1. Install mindoptampl¶
The mindoptampl application is automatically generated during MindOpt installation. For installation and configuration of MindOpt, please refer to Software Installation.
Verify the mindoptampl application as follows:
After MindOpt is installed, the path of mindoptampl is as follows:
<MDOHOME>\<VERSION>\<PLATFORM>\bin\mindoptamplUsers can verify whether the mindoptampl application is available with the following command line:
mindoptampl --version
If the version information of MindOpt and mindoptampl similar to the following is returned, the installation is successful:
2.0.0 (Darwin x86_64), driver(20230713), ASL(20201107)mindoptampl supports direct command line to solve
format files, you can directly run the following command on the command line to solve.mindoptampl <MDOHOME>\<VERSION>\examples\ampl\diet.nl
7.2.2. Install AMPL¶
Users can download and install AMPL from the official website, such as: TRY AMPL.
7.2.3. Parameters and Return Values¶
mindoptampl provides some configurable parameters, mindoptampl_options
, that can be set through the option
command of AMPL, such as:
ampl: option mindoptampl_options 'num_threads=4 max_time=3600';
All parameters supported by mindoptampl can be obtained through the following command:
mindoptampl -=
For detailed description of MindOpt parameters, please refer to Parameters.
Parameters |
Description |
dualization |
Set whether to dualize the model |
enable_network_flow |
Set whether to enable network simplex method |
enable_stochastic_lp |
Set whether to enable the detection of random LP structure, which can be accelerated when the specific problem structure is turned on |
ipm_dual_tolerance |
Sets the dual feasibility (relative) tolerance used by the interior point method |
ipm_gap_tolerance |
Set the dual gap (relative) tolerance in the interior point method |
ipm_max_iterations |
Set the maximum number of iterations in the interior point method |
ipm_primal_tolerance |
Sets the primitive feasibility (relative) tolerance used by the interior point method |
max_time |
Set the maximum solution time for the optimizer in seconds |
method |
Set the algorithm used in the optimizer |
mip_allow_dual_presolve |
Specify whether to enable the dual presolve method of MIP |
mip_auto_configuration |
Set whether to enable MIP automatic parameter configuration |
mip_cutoff |
Sets the cutoff value of the objective value to prevent finding solutions worse than this value |
mip_detect_disconnected_components |
Specify whether to enable disconnected components policy in MIP |
mip_gap_abs |
Set absolute MIP gap tolerance |
mip_gap_rel |
Set relative MIP gap tolerance |
mip_integer_tolerance |
Set integer decision precision in MIP solution |
mip_linearization_big_m |
Set the maximum coefficient when rearranging nonlinear functions in MIP |
mip_max_stalling_nodes |
Set the maximum number of nodes that are allowed to stall |
mip_max_nodes |
Set maximum node limit in MIP |
mip_max_sols |
Set the maximum number of solutions in MIP |
mip_objective_tolerance |
Set the comparison accuracy of objective value in MIP solution |
mip_root_parallelism |
Set the maximum number of concurrent threads allowed by the root node in the MIP solver |
mip_solution_pool_size |
Set the maximum size of the solution pool |
num_threads |
Set the maximum number of threads used when optimizing the solution |
presolve |
Set presolver level |
Set print level |
spx_crash_start |
Set whether to use the initial basis solution generation method in the simplex method |
spx_column_generation |
Set whether to use column generation in the simplex method |
spx_dual_pricing |
Set dual pricing strategy in simplex method |
spx_dual_tolerance |
Sets the dual feasibility (relative) tolerance used by the simplex method |
spx_max_iterations |
Set the maximum number of iterations in the simplex method |
spx_primal_pricing |
Set primitive pricing strategy in simplex method |
spx_primal_tolerance |
Set the primitive feasibility tolerance used by the simplex method |
wantsol |
Set whether to return the result (without -AMPL), 1 write the .sol file, 2 print the value of the variable, 8 do not print the solution information. |
When MindOpt finishes computing, status information will be returned to AMPL in the form of exit code
. Users can obtain status information in the following ways:
ampl: display solve_result_num;
7.2.4. An Example of AMPL Calling MindOpt¶
The following will take the Diet problem as an example to illustrate how to create an AMPL model and call the mindoptampl application to solve it.
The Diet question uses data from the following two tables: Prices of foods and Nutrition of foods .
Food |
Price |
3.19 |
2.59 |
2.29 |
2.89 |
1.89 |
1.99 |
1.99 |
2.49 |
Food |
A |
C |
B1 |
B2 |
60 |
20 |
10 |
15 |
8 |
0 |
20 |
20 |
8 |
10 |
15 |
10 |
40 |
40 |
35 |
10 |
15 |
35 |
15 |
15 |
70 |
30 |
15 |
15 |
25 |
50 |
25 |
15 |
60 |
20 |
15 |
10 |
The goal of the Diet problem is to match the food combination that satisfies the nutritional needs at the lowest price; the algebraic mathematical model of the problem is as follows:
\(\mbox{buy}\) is the decision variable,
\(\mbox{f_min}\) and \(\mbox{f_max}\) are the lower and upper bounds of \(\mbox{buy}\) respectively,
\(\mbox{cost}\) is the coefficient in the objective function,
\(\mbox{amt}\) is the constraint matrix,
\(\mbox{n_min}\) and \(\mbox{n_max}\) are the lower and upper bounds of the constraints, respectively.
Before using AMPL, first convert the algebraic mathematical model of the above Diet problem into the following AMPL model
The abstract algebraic model
,The data file
Next, load the above file in AMPL and call the mindoptampl application to solve the problem:
ampl: model diet.mod;
ampl: data diet.dat;
ampl: option solver mindoptampl;
ampl: option mindoptampl_options 'numthreads=4 maxtime=1e+4';
ampl: solve;
After the solution is computed, the user can view the results through the display
command of AMPL:
ampl: display Buy;
Buy [*] :=
MCH 46.6667