8.8.13. MDOModel


Represent a model in MindOpt application



Add a new linear constraint to this model


Add a new constraint to this model from a MDOTempConstr


Add a number of constraints to this model


Add an amount of constraints to this model


Add a certain number of constraints to the specified position of this model


Add a new indicator constraint to this model


Add a new indicator constraint to this model with MDOTempConstr


Add a new PSD constraint to this model


Add a new PSD variable by indicating its dimension and name


Add a new PSD variables by indicating its objective coefficient and name


Add a new quadratic constraint to this model


Add a new quadratic constraint to this model from an MDOTempConstr


Add a new range constraint to this model


Add a new range PSD constraint to this model


Add a set of range constraints to this model


Add an SOS constraint to the model


Add a variable to this model by indicate its lower bound, upper bound, objective coefficient, type and name


Add a variable to this model and associate it to exist constraints


Add a variable to this model and associate it with existing constraints by indicating the constraint matrix column


Add count variables of the same type to this model


Add multiple variables with different attributes


Add multiple variables with different attributes


Add multiple variables with different attributes and constraints


Change the constraint coefficient in the constraint matrix


Change the constraint coefficients in the constraint matrix


Compute an IIS (Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem)


Releases all resources associated with this model


Retrieve the value of an int attribute


Retrieve the value of the double attribute


Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with constraints


Retrieve the value of a specific int attribute associated with specific variables


Retrieve the value of a specific double attribute associated with specific variables


Retrieve the value of a specific char attribute associated with specific variables


Retrieve the value of a specific string attribute associated with specific variables


Retrieve the value of a specific int attribute associated with specific constraints


Retrieve the value of a specific double attribute associated with a specific constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific char attribute associated with specific constraints


Retrieve the value of a specific string attribute associated with specific constraints


Retrieve the value of an int attribute associated with a specific variable matrix


Retrieve the value of a string attribute


Retrieve the value of the double attribute associated with a specific variable matrix


Retrieve the value of the char attribute associated with a specific variable matrix


Retrieve the value of a string attribute associated with a specific variable matrix


Retrieve the value of an int attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Retrieve the value of the double attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Retrieve the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Retrieve the value of a string attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Retrieve the value of an int attribute associated with a three-dimensional array of specific variables


Retrieve the value of the double attribute associated with a three-dimensional array of specific variables


Retrieve the value of the char attribute associated with a three-dimensional array of specific variables


Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a variable


Retrieve the value of a string attribute associated with a three-dimensional array of specific variables


Retrieve the value of an int attribute associated with a specified constrained three-dimensional array


Retrieve the value of the double attribute associated with a specified constrained three-dimensional array


Retrieve the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array


Retrieve the value of a string attribute associated with a specified constrained three-dimensional array


Retrieve the value of an int parameter by name


Retrieve the value of the double parameter by its name


Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a variable


Retrieve the value of a specific type [0] attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific type[1] attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific type[2] attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific type[3] attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific type attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific type attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific type attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific type attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a variable


Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a variable


Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a constraint


Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a constraint


Retrieve the values of a column from a constraint matrix


Retrieve constraints by constraint name


Retrieve all constraints in this model


Retrieve a general constraint by its object


Retrieve all general constraints in this model


Retrieve the objective function of this model


Retrieve all PSD constraints in this model


Retrieve all PSD variables in this model


Retrieve the left-hand-side expression for a quadratic constraint


Retrieve all quadratic constraints in this model


Retrieve a row from a constraint matrix based on the specified constraint


Retrieve the variables and coefficients contained in the SOS constraint


Retrieve all SOS constraints in the current model


Retrieve variables by name


Retrieve all variables in this model


Build models associated with the input environment


Read existing information from the file and build a model associated with the input environment


Copy from another existing model to create a new model


Start optimizing the model


Load data from a file to an existing model


Remove a variable from this model


Remove a constraint from this model


Remove an SOS constraint from this model


Remove a general constraint from this model


Remove a quadratic constraint from this model


Reset the model to the unsolved state and discard any previously calculated solutions


Set the value of the int parameter


Set the value of the double parameter


Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with a specified variable


Set the value of a specific int attribute associated with a specified constraint


Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with a specified constraint


Set the value of a specific character attribute associated with specified constraints


Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with specified constraints


Set the value of a specific int attribute associated with specified variable


Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified variables


Set the value of a specific attribute associated with specified variables


Set the value of a specific attribute associated with specified variables


Set the value of a specific int attribute associated with specified constraints


Set the value of a string parameter


Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with a specified constraint


Set the value of a specific character attribute associated with a specified constraint


Set the value of a specific attribute associated with a specified constraint


Set the value of the int attribute associated with a specific variable matrix


Set the value of the double attribute associated with a specific variable matrix


Set the value of the char attribute associated with a specific variable matrix


Set the value of the string attribute associated with a specific variable matrix


Set the value of the int attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Set the value of the double attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Set the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Set the value of the string attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Set the value of the int attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Set the value of the double attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Set the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Set the value of the string attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix


Set the value of the int attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array


Set the value of the double attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array


Set the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array


Set the value of the string attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array


Set the value of the int attribute


Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified quadratic constraints


Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint


Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint


Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with a specified quadratic constraint


Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint


Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint


Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint


Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with specified quadratic constraints


Set the value of the double attribute


Set the value of a string attribute


Set the value of a specific attribute associated with specified variables


Set the value of a specific attribute associated with a specified variable


Set the value of a specific attribute associated with a specified variable


Set up a user-defined callback class object


Set the objective function


Set the objective function


Write model data to a file

MDOConstr AddConstr(MDOLinExpr lhsExpr, char sense, MDOLinExpr rhsExpr, string? name)

Add a new linear constraint to this model

  • MDOLinExpr lhsExpr – The left-hand-side linear expression of the new constraints.

  • char sense

    The inequality sign. Supported symbols include:




  • MDOLinExpr rhsExpr – The right-hand-side linear expression

  • string? name – The name of the new constraint. An empty string is allowed. In this case, the system-generated name is given.


Newly added constraint

MDOConstr AddConstr(MDOTempConstr tempConstr, string? name)

Add a new constraint to this model from a MDOTempConstr .

  • MDOTempConstr tempConstr – The MDOTempConstr

  • string? name – The name of the new constraint. An empty string is allowed. In this case, the system will generate a name.


Newly added constraint object.

MDOConstr[] AddConstrs(int count)

Add a number of constraints to this model


int count – The number of constraints to be added


The newly added constraint array

MDOConstr[] AddConstrs(MDOLinExpr[] lhsExprs, char[] senses, double[] rhss, string[]? names)

Add an amount of constraints to this model

  • MDOLinExpr[] lhsExprs – The left-hand-side linear expressions of the new constraints. If it is NULL, 0 is used.

  • char[] senses

    The inequality sign of the new constraint. If it is NULL, ‘MDO.LESS_EQUAL’ will be used. Supported symbols include:




  • double[] rhss – The right-hand-side values of the new constraint. If it is NULL, ‘MDO.INFINITY’ will be used.

  • string[]? names – The name of the new constraints. If it is NULL, the system automatically generates the name.


The newly added constraints

MDOConstr[] AddConstrs(MDOLinExpr[] lhsExprs, char[] senses, double[] rhss, int start, int len, string[]? names)

Add a certain number of constraints to the specified position of this model

  • MDOLinExpr[] lhsExprs – The linear expression of the new constraint. If it is NULL, 0 is used.

  • char[] senses

    The inequality sign of the new constraint. If it is NULL, ‘MDO.LESS_EQUAL’is used’. Supported symbols include:




  • double[] rhss – The value to the right of the new constraint. If NULL exists, ‘MDO.INFINITY’is used’.

  • int start – The specified start index to be added.

  • int len – The specified length of indices to be added.

  • string[]? names – The name of the new constraint. If it is NULL, the system automatically generates the name.


The newly added constraints

MDOGenConstr AddGenConstrIndicator(MDOVar binvar, int binval, MDOLinExpr expr, char sense, double rhs, string? name)

Add a new indicator constraint to this model.

  • MDOVar binvar – The binary variable of this indicator constraint.

  • int binval – The binary value when indicator constraint take effect.

  • MDOLinExpr expr – The linear expression of new indicator constraint.

  • char sense – The constraint sense of new indicator constraint.

  • double rhs – The right-hand-side value of new indicator constraint.

  • string? name – The name of new indicator constraint.


The newly added general constraint.

MDOGenConstr AddGenConstrIndicator(MDOVar binvar, int binval, MDOTempConstr tempConstr, string? name)

Add a new indicator constraint to this model with MDOTempConstr .

  • MDOVar binvar – The binary variable of this indicator constraint.

  • int binval – The binary value when indicator constraint take effect.

  • MDOTempConstr tempConstr – The linear part of new indicator constraint.

  • string? name – The name of new indicator constraint.


The newly added general constraint.

MDOPsdConstr AddPsdConstr(MDOPsdExpr expr, char sense, double rhs, string? name)

Add a new PSD constraint to this model

  • MDOPsdExpr expr – The left-hand-side expression of the new PSD constraint.

  • char sense

    The inequality symbol. Supported symbols include:




  • double rhs – The right-hand-side value of the new PSD constraint.

  • string? name – The name of the new PSD constraint. If the string is empty, the system-generated name will be used.


Newly added PSD constraint

MDOPsdVar AddPsdVar(int dim, string? name)

Add a new PSD variable by indicating its dimension and name

  • int dim – The dimension of the new PSD variable, that is, the number of matrix rows (or matrix columns, since the matrix is square) associated with the new PSD variable.

  • string? name – The name of the new PSD variable. If the string is empty, the system-generated name will be used.


The newly added PSD variable

MDOPsdVar AddPsdVar(MDOMatrix obj, string? name)

Add a new PSD variables by indicating its objective coefficient and name

  • MDOMatrix obj – The objective coefficient of the new PSD variable, it should be a square matrix.

  • string? name – The name of new PSD variable. This can be an empty string, in which case a system generated name will be given.


Newly added PSD variable

MDOQConstr AddQConstr(MDOQuadExpr lhsExpr, char sense, MDOQuadExpr rhsExpr, string? name)

Add a new quadratic constraint to this model

  • MDOQuadExpr lhsExpr – The left-hand-side quadratic expression.

  • char sense

    The inequality sign. Supported symbols include:




  • MDOQuadExpr rhsExpr – The right-hand-side quadratic expression.

  • string? name – The name of the new quadratic constraint. An empty string is allowed. In this case, the system-generated name is given.


Newly added quadratic constraint.

MDOQConstr AddQConstr(MDOTempConstr tempConstr, string? name)

Add a new quadratic constraint to this model from an MDOTempConstr .

  • MDOTempConstr tempConstr – The MDOTempConstr object from which the quadratic constraint is created.

  • string? name – The name of the new quadratic constraint. An empty string is allowed. In this case, the system will generate a name.


The newly added quadratic constraint object.

MDOConstr AddRange(MDOLinExpr expr, double lower, double upper, string? name)

Add a new range constraint to this model

  • MDOLinExpr expr – Linear expression

  • double lower – Lower bound of linear expression

  • double upper – Upper bound of linear expression

  • string? name – The name of the new constraint. If the string is empty, the system-generated name will be used.


Newly added constraints

MDOPsdConstr AddRangePsdConstr(MDOPsdExpr expr, double lower, double upper, string? name)

Add a new range PSD constraint to this model

  • MDOPsdExpr expr – The expression of the new PSD constraint

  • double lower – The lower bound of the PSD expression

  • double upper – The upper bound of the PSD expression

  • string? name – The name of the new PSD constraint. If the string is empty, the system-generated name will be used.


The newly added constraint

MDOConstr[] AddRanges(MDOLinExpr[] exprs, double[] lower, double[] upper, string[]? names)

Add a set of range constraints to this model.

  • MDOLinExpr[] exprs – An array of linear expressions for the new constraints. If it is NULL, 0 is used as the left-hand side value.

  • double[] lower – The lower bound array for the linear expressions. If it is NULL, 0 is used as the lower limit.

  • double[] upper – The upper bound array for the linear expressions. If it is NULL, ‘MDO.INFINITY’ is used.

  • string[]? names – The name array for the new constraints. If it is NULL, system-generated names are used.


The newly added constraint array.

MDOSOS AddSOS(MDOVar[] vars, double[] weights, int type)

Add an SOS constraint to the model

  • MDOVar[] vars – Variables included in the new SOS constraint

  • double[] weights – Weights of variables in new SOS constraints

  • int type

    The type of the new SOS constraint. Supported types include:

    • MDO_SOS_TYPE1(1)

    A maximum of one variable in a set is not equal to 0.

    • MDO_SOS_TYPE2(2)

    A maximum of two consecutive variables in a set are not equal to 0.


Newly added SOS constraint

MDOVar AddVar(double lb, double ub, double obj, char type, string? name)

Add a variable to this model by indicate its lower bound, upper bound, objective coefficient, type and name.

  • double lb – The lower bound of new variable.

  • double ub – The upper bound of new variable.

  • double obj – The objective coefficient of new variable.

  • char type

    The type of the new variable. Supported types include:

    • MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) continuous variable,

    • MDO.BINARY(‘B’) binary variable,

    • MDO.INTEGER (‘$) integer variable,

    • MDO.SEMICONT (‘S’) semi-continuous variable,

    • MDO.SEMIINT (‘$) semi-integer variable.

  • string? name – The name of the new variable. If it is an empty string, the system-generated name is used.


The newly added variable

MDOVar AddVar(double lb, double ub, double obj, char type, MDOConstr[] constrs, double[] coeffs, string? name)

Add a variable to this model and associate it to exist constraints.

  • double lb – The lower bound of new variable.

  • double ub – The upper bound of new variable.

  • double obj – The objective coefficient of new variable.

  • char type

    The type of the new variable. Supported types include:

    • MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) continuous variable,

    • MDO.BINARY(‘B’) binary variable,

    • MDO.INTEGER (‘$) integer variable,

    • MDO.SEMICONT (‘S’) semi-continuous variable,

    • MDO.SEMIINT (‘$) semi-integer variable.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – The constraints to be associated

  • double[] coeffs – The constraint coefficient of each associated constraint. If NULL, all coefficients are set to zero.

  • string? name – The name of the new variable. If it is an empty string, the system-generated name is used.


The newly added variable

MDOVar AddVar(double lb, double ub, double obj, char type, MDOColumn col, string? name)

Add a variable to this model and associate it with existing constraints by indicating the constraint matrix column

  • double lb – The lower bound of the new variable.

  • double ub – The upper bound of the new variable.

  • double obj – The objective coefficient of the new variable.

  • char type

    The type of the new variable. Supported types include:

    • MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) continuous variable,

    • MDO.BINARY(‘B’) binary variable,

    • MDO.INTEGER(‘I’) integer variable,

    • MDO.SEMICONT(‘S’) semi-continuous variable,

    • MDO.SEMIINT(‘N’) semi-integer variable.

  • MDOColumn col – The constraint matrix column associated with the new variable.

  • string? name – The name of the new variable. If it is an empty string, the system-generated name is used.


The newly added variable.

MDOVar[] AddVars(int count, char type)

Add count variables of the same type to this model

  • int count – Number of variables to be added.

  • char type

    The type of the new variables. Supported types include:

    • MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) continuous variable,

    • MDO.BINARY(‘B’) binary variable,

    • MDO.INTEGER(‘I’) integer variable,

    • MDO.SEMICONTINUOUS(‘S’) semi-continuous variable,

    • MDO.SEMIINTEGER(‘N’) semi-integer variable.


The newly added array of variables

MDOVar[] AddVars(double[] lb, double[] ub, double[] obj, char[]? type, string[]? names)

Add multiple variables with different attributes

  • double[] lb – The lower bounds of the new variables. If it is NULL, set the lower limit to 0.

  • double[] ub – The upper bounds of the new variables. If it is NULL, set the upper limit to ‘MDO.INFINITY’.

  • double[] obj – The objective coefficients of the new variables. If NULL is provided, 0 will be used.

  • char[]? type

    The type of the new variable. Supported types include:

    • MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) for continuous variables,

    • MDO.BINARY(‘B’) for binary variables,

    • MDO.INTEGER(‘I’) for integer variables,

    • MDO.SEMICONT(‘S’) for semi-continuous variables,

    • MDO.SEMIINT(‘N’) for semi-integer variables.

  • string[]? names – The names of the new variables. If it is NULL, system-generated names are used.


The newly added array of variables

MDOVar[] AddVars(double[] lb, double[] ub, double[] obj, char[]? type, string[]? names, int start, int len)

Add multiple variables with different attributes

  • double[] lb – The lower bounds of the new variable. If it is NULL, the lower limit is set to 0.

  • double[] ub – The upper bounds of the new variable. If it is NULL, the upper limit is set to ‘MDO.INFINITY’.

  • double[] obj – The objective coefficients of new variables; if NULL, 0 will be used.

  • char[]? type

    The type of the new variable. Supported types include:

    • MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) continuous variable,

    • MDO.BINARY(‘B’) binary variable,

    • MDO.INTEGER(‘I’) integer variable,

    • MDO.SEMICONT(‘S’) semi-continuous variable,

    • MDO.SEMIINT(‘N’) semi-integer variable.

  • string[]? names – The name of the new variable. If it is NULL, the system-generated name is used.

  • int start – Specifies the start index of the input to be added.

  • int len – The number of variables to add


The newly added array of variables

MDOVar[] AddVars(double[] lb, double[] ub, double[] obj, char[] type, string[]? names, MDOColumn[] col)

Add multiple variables with different attributes and constraints

  • double[] lb – The lower bounds of the new variable. If it is NULL, the lower limit is set to 0.

  • double[] ub – The upper bounds of the new variable. If it is NULL, the upper limit is set to ‘MDO.INFINITY’.

  • double[] obj – The objective coefficients of new variables. If it is NULL, the target coefficients of the new variable are all set to 0.

  • char[] type

    The type of the new variable. Supported types include:

    • MDO.CONTINUOUS(‘C’) continuous variable,

    • MDO.BINARY(‘B’) binary variable,

    • MDO.INTEGER(‘I’) integer variable,

    • MDO.SEMICONT(‘S’) semi-continuous variable,

    • MDO.SEMIINT(‘N’) semi-integer variable.

  • string[]? names – The name of the new variable. If it is NULL, the system-generated name is used.

  • MDOColumn[] col – The constraint matrix column to associate with the new variable


The newly added array of variables

void ChgCoeff(MDOConstr constr, MDOVar var, double value)

Change the constraint coefficient in the constraint matrix.

  • MDOConstr constr – The constraint to indicate the coefficient.

  • MDOVar var – The variable to indicate the coefficient.

  • double value – The new coefficient value.

void ChgCoeffs(MDOConstr[] constrs, MDOVar[] vars, double[] values)

Change the constraint coefficients in the constraint matrix

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Constraints for which the coefficients are to be changed

  • MDOVar[] vars – Variables for which the coefficients are to be changed

  • double[] values – New coefficient values

void ComputeIIS()

Compute an IIS (Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem). IIS is a subset of variable bounds and constraint bounds. This subset satisfies:

  1. The subproblem corresponding to this subset remains infeasible.

  2. After removing any bound from this subset, the subproblem becomes feasible.

Check IIS-related attributes for variables and constraints for more details.


The cardinality of the subsystem is expected to be small. Note that the problem is expected to be infeasible.

void Dispose()

Releases all resources associated with this model. Note that this model cannot be used after this method is called.

int Get(MDO.IntAttr attr)

Retrieve the value of an int attribute.


MDO.IntAttr attr – The int attribute to be retrieved.


The current value of the attribute to be retrieved

double Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr)

Retrieve the value of the double attribute.


MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The double attribute to be retrieved.


The current value of the attribute to be retrieved.

string[] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs)

Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with constraints.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – The associated constraints.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

int[] Get(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific int attribute associated with specific variables.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to retrieve.

  • MDOVar[] vars – An array of variables, some of which are associated variables.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of associated variables.


The attribute values to be retrieved.

double[] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific double attribute associated with specific variables

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[] vars – An array of variables, some of which are associated variables.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – Number of associated variables


The attribute value to be retrieved.

char[] Get(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific char attribute associated with specific variables.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[] vars – An array of variables, some of which are associated variables.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – Number of associated variables


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific string attribute associated with specific variables.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to retrieve.

  • MDOVar[] vars – An array of variables, some of which are associated variables.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – Number of associated variables.


The attribute values to be retrieved.

int[] Get(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific int attribute associated with specific constraints

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Constraint array, some of which are associated constraints

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – Number of associated constraints


The attribute value to be retrieved.

double[] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific double attribute associated with a specific constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – An array of constraints, some of which are associated constraints.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of associated constraints.


The attribute values to be retrieved.

char[] Get(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific char attribute associated with specific constraints.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Constraint array, some of which are associated constraints.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – Number of associated constraints.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific string attribute associated with specific constraints

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – CAn array of constraints, some of which are associated constraints.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of associated constraints.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

int[,] Get(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOVar[,] vars)

Retrieve the value of an int attribute associated with a specific variable matrix.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute associated with the variable matrix.

  • MDOVar[,] vars – The correlation variable matrix.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string Get(MDO.StringAttr attr)

Retrieve the value of a string attribute.


MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.


The current value of the attribute to be retrieved.

double[,] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOVar[,] vars)

Retrieve the value of the double attribute associated with a specific variable matrix.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute associated with the variable matrix.

  • MDOVar[,] vars – The variable matrix.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

char[,] Get(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOVar[,] vars)

Retrieve the value of the char attribute associated with a specific variable matrix.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[,] vars – Variable matrix


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[,] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOVar[,] vars)

Retrieve the value of a string attribute associated with a specific variable matrix.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[,] vars – Variable matrix.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

int[,] Get(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOConstr[,] constrs)

Retrieve the value of an int attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[,] constrs – Constraint matrix.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

double[,] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOConstr[,] constrs)

Retrieve the value of the double attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute type for double values.

  • MDOConstr[,] constrs – Constraint matrix


The attribute value to be retrieved.

char[,] Get(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOConstr[,] constrs)

Retrieve the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – Attribute to retrieve.

  • MDOConstr[,] constrs – Constraint matrix.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[,] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOConstr[,] constrs)

Retrieve the value of a string attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[,] constrs – Constraint matrix.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

int[,,] Get(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOVar[,,] vars)

Retrieve the value of an int attribute associated with a three-dimensional array of specific variables.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[,,] vars – Variable 3D array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

double[,,] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOVar[,,] vars)

Retrieve the value of the double attribute associated with a three-dimensional array of specific variables

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[,,] vars – The 3D array of variables.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

char[,,] Get(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOVar[,,] vars)

Retrieve the value of the char attribute associated with a three-dimensional array of specific variables.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[,,] vars – The 3D array of variables.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

int[] Get(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars)

Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a variable.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[] vars – Associated variable.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[,,] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOVar[,,] vars)

Retrieve the value of a string attribute associated with a three-dimensional array of specific variables.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[,,] vars – Variable 3D array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

int[,,] Get(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOConstr[,,] constrs)

Retrieve the value of an int attribute associated with a specified constrained three-dimensional array.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[,,] constrs – Constrained 3D array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

double[,,] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOConstr[,,] constrs)

Retrieve the value of the double attribute associated with a specified constrained three-dimensional array.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[,,] constrs – Constrained 3D array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

char[,,] Get(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOConstr[,,] constrs)

Retrieve the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[,,] constrs – Constrained 3D array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[,,] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOConstr[,,] constrs)

Retrieve the value of a string attribute associated with a specified constrained three-dimensional array.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[,,] constrs – Constrained 3D array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

int Get(MDO.IntParam param)

Retrieve the value of an int parameter by name.


MDO.IntParam param – Parameter name.


The current value of the parameter to be retrieved.

double Get(MDO.DoubleParam param)

Retrieve the value of the double parameter by its name.


MDO.DoubleParam param – Parameter name.


The current value of the parameter to be retrieved.

double[] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars)

Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a variable.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[] vars – Associated variable.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

double[] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOQConstr[] qc)

Retrieve the value of a specific type [0] attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[] qc – The quadratic constraint array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOQConstr[] qc)

Retrieve the value of a specific type[1] attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[] qc – The quadratic constraint array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

double[] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOQConstr[] qc, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific type[2] attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[] qc – The quadratic constraint array.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – Number of associated variables.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOQConstr[] qc, int start, int len)

Retrieve the value of a specific type[3] attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[] qc – The quadratic constraint array.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – Number of associated variables.


The attribute values to be retrieved.

double[,] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOQConstr[,] qc)

Retrieve the value of a specific type attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[,] qc – The quadratic constraint array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[,] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOQConstr[,] qc)

Retrieve the value of a specific type attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[,] qc – The quadratic constraint array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

double[,,] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOQConstr[,,] qc)

Retrieve the value of a specific type attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[,,] qc – The quadratic constraint array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[,,] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOQConstr[,,] qc)

Retrieve the value of a specific type attribute associated with a specific quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[,,] qc – The quadratic constraint array.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

char[] Get(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars)

Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a variable.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[] vars – Associated variable.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

string[] Get(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars)

Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a variable.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOVar[] vars – The associated variable.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

int[] Get(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs)

Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a constraint.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – Attribute to retrieve.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – The associated constraint


The attribute values to be retrieved.

double[] Get(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs)

Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Associated constraint.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

char[] Get(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs)

Retrieve the value of a specific attribute associated with a constraint.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be retrieved.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Associated constraint.


The attribute value to be retrieved.

MDOColumn GetCol(MDOVar var)

Retrieve the values of a column from a constraint matrix.


MDOVar var – Variables that represent columns.


Constraint matrix columns to be retrieved.

MDOConstr GetConstrByName(string name)

Retrieve constraints by constraint name.


string name – The name of the constraint to be retrieved.


Constraints to be retrieved.

MDOConstr[] GetConstrs()

Retrieve all constraints in this model.


All constraints in this model.

MDOGenConstr.Indicator GetGenConstrIndicator(MDOGenConstr genconstr)

Retrieve a general constraint by its object.


MDOGenConstr genconstr – The general constraint object.


The general constraint detailed data structure with 5 fields:

  1. binVar: The binary variable of the indicator constraint.

  2. binVal: The binary value when the indicator constraint takes effect.

  3. expr: The linear expression of the indicator constraint.

  4. sense: The constraint sense of the indicator constraint.

  5. rhs: The right-hand-side value of the indicator constraint.

MDOGenConstr[] GetGenConstrs()

Retrieve all general constraints in this model


All general constraints in this model

MDOExpr GetObjective()

Retrieve the objective function of this model


Objective function

MDOPsdConstr[] GetPsdConstrs()

Retrieve all PSD constraints in this model.


All PSD constraints in this model.

MDOPsdVar[] GetPsdVars()

Retrieve all PSD variables in this model.


All PSD variables in this model.

MDOQuadExpr GetQCRow(MDOQConstr qconstr)

Retrieve the left-hand-side expression for a quadratic constraint.


MDOQConstr qconstr – Quadratic constraint to be retrieved.


The left-hand-side expression for the quadratic constraint.

MDOQConstr[] GetQConstrs()

Retrieve all quadratic constraints in this model.


All quadratic constraints in this model.

MDOLinExpr GetRow(MDOConstr constr)

Retrieve a row from a constraint matrix based on the specified constraint


MDOConstr constr – The constraint used to retrieve the corresponding row.


The row from the constraint matrix that corresponds to the specified constraint.


Retrieve the variables and coefficients contained in the SOS constraint.


MDOSOS sos – [in] SOS constraint


The value of specified SOS constraint. It consists of 3 fields:

  • An int SOS type (MDO.SOS_TYPE1 or MDO.SOS_TYPE2).

    • MDO_SOS_TYPE1(1)

      A maximum of one variable in a set is not equal to 0.

    • MDO_SOS_TYPE2(2)

      A maximum of two consecutive variables in a set are not equal to 0.

  • All variables contained

  • Wights associated with variables


Retrieve all SOS constraints in the current model.


Return a list of all SOS constraints in the model.

MDOVar GetVarByName(string name)

Retrieve variables by name.


string name – The name of the variable to be retrieved.



MDOVar[] GetVars()

Retrieve all variables in this model


All variables in this model

MDOModel(MDOEnv env)

Build models associated with the input environment.


MDOEnv env – Associated environment.

MDOModel(MDOEnv env, string filename)

Read existing information from the file and build a model associated with the input environment

  • MDOEnv env – Associated environment

  • string filename – The file name from which you want to read the model. The file format and compression type should be displayed after the filename. Valid file formats include .lp, .mps, and .qps, .dat-s. Supported compression types include .gz and .bz2.

MDOModel(MDOModel model)

Copy from another existing model to create a new model


MDOModel model – Existing models to be copied

void Optimize()

Start optimizing the model

void Read(string filename)

Load data from a file to an existing model.


string filename – The file name. Note that the file format and its compression type (optional) are encoded in the file name suffix. Valid suffixes are .prm and .mst. Valid compression types are .gz or .bz2.

void Remove(MDOVar v)

Remove a variable from this model.


MDOVar v – The variable to delete.

void Remove(MDOConstr c)

Remove a constraint from this model.


MDOConstr c – The constraint to remove.

void Remove(MDOSOS sos)

Remove an SOS constraint from this model.


MDOSOS sos – The SOS constraint to remove.

void Remove(MDOGenConstr genconstr)

Remove a general constraint from this model


MDOGenConstr genconstr – The general constraint to remove

void Remove(MDOQConstr qconstr)

Remove a quadratic constraint from this model.


MDOQConstr qconstr – The quadratic constraint to remove.

void Reset(int clearall)

Reset the model to the unsolved state and discard any previously calculated solutions.


int clearall – Whether to clear all information instead of only the solution. 1 indicates yes, and 0 indicates that only the solution is cleared.

void Set(MDO.IntParam param, int value)

Set the value of the int parameter.

  • MDO.IntParam param – The parameter to be set.

  • int value – The new value of the parameter.

void Set(MDO.DoubleParam param, double value)

Set the value of the double parameter

  • MDO.DoubleParam param – The parameter to be set.

  • double value – The new value of the parameter.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, string[] values)

Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with a specified variable.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOVar[] vars – Variable array

  • string[] values – New value array

void Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, int[] values)

Set the value of a specific int attribute associated with a specified constraint.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Associated constraint.

  • int[] values – The new value of the attribute.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, double[] val)

Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with a specified constraint

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Associated constraints.

  • double[] val – The new value of the attribute.

void Set(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, char[] values)

Set the value of a specific character attribute associated with specified constraints.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Associated constraints.

  • char[] values – The new value of the attribute.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOConstr[] xconstrs, string[] values)

Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with specified constraints.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOConstr[] xconstrs – Associated constraints.

  • string[] values – The new value of the attribute.

void Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, int[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific int attribute associated with specified variable

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOVar[] vars – An array of variables, some of which are associated with the specified attribute.

  • int[] values – An array of values, some of which are new values of the attribute.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, double[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified variables

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOVar[] vars – An array of variables, some of which are associated variables.

  • double[] values – An array of values, some of which are new values of the attribute.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set

void Set(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, char[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific attribute associated with specified variables

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOVar[] vars – An array of variables, some of which are associated with the specified attribute.

  • char[] values – An array of values, some of which are new values of the attribute.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, string[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific attribute associated with specified variables

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOVar[] vars – An array of variables, some of which are associated with the specified attribute.

  • string[] values – An array of values, some of which are new values of the attribute.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set

void Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, int[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific int attribute associated with specified constraints.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Constraint array, some of which are associated constraints.

  • int[] values – An array of values, some of which are new values of the attribute.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set.

void Set(MDO.StringParam param, string value)

Set the value of a string parameter

  • MDO.StringParam param – Parameter name

  • string value – The new value of the parameter.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, double[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with a specified constraint

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Constraint array, some of which are associated constraints

  • double[] values – An array of values, some of which are new values of the attribute.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set

void Set(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, char[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific character attribute associated with a specified constraint.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – Attribute: The character attribute to be set.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Constraint array: An array of constraints, some of which are associated with the specified attribute.

  • char[] values – Value array: An array of character values, some of which are new values for the attribute.

  • int start – Starting index: The starting index in the value array from which to begin setting attributes.

  • int len – Length: The number of attributes to be set.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOConstr[] constrs, string[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific attribute associated with a specified constraint.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOConstr[] constrs – Constraint array, some of which are associated constraints.

  • string[] values – An array of values, some of which are new values of the attribute.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set.

void Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOVar[,] vars, int[,] values)

Set the value of the int attribute associated with a specific variable matrix.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOVar[,] vars – Associated variable matrix.

  • int[,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOVar[,] vars, double[,] values)

Set the value of the double attribute associated with a specific variable matrix.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOVar[,] vars – Associated variable matrix.

  • double[,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOVar[,] vars, char[,] values)

Set the value of the char attribute associated with a specific variable matrix.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOVar[,] vars – Associated variable matrix.

  • char[,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOVar[,] vars, string[,] values)

Set the value of the string attribute associated with a specific variable matrix.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOVar[,] vars – Associated variable matrix.

  • string[,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOConstr[,] constrs, int[,] values)

Set the value of the int attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOConstr[,] constrs – Associated constraint matrix.

  • int[,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOConstr[,] constrs, double[,] values)

Set the value of the double attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOConstr[,] constrs – Associated constraint matrix.

  • double[,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOConstr[,] constrs, char[,] values)

Set the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOConstr[,] constrs – Associated constraint matrix.

  • char[,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOConstr[,] constrs, string[,] values)

Set the value of the string attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOConstr[,] constrs – Associated constraint matrix.

  • string[,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOVar[,,] vars, int[,,] values)

Set the value of the int attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOVar[,,] vars – 3D array of associated variables.

  • int[,,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOVar[,,] vars, double[,,] values)

Set the value of the double attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOVar[,,] vars – 3D array of associated variables.

  • double[,,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOVar[,,] vars, char[,,] values)

Set the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOVar[,,] vars – 3D array of associated variables.

  • char[,,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOVar[,,] vars, string[,,] values)

Set the value of the string attribute associated with a specific constraint matrix.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOVar[,,] vars – 3D array of associated variables.

  • string[,,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOConstr[,,] constrs, int[,,] values)

Set the value of the int attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOConstr[,,] constrs – Associated constraint 3D array.

  • int[,,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOConstr[,,] constrs, double[,,] values)

Set the value of the double attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOConstr[,,] constrs – Associated constraint 3D array.

  • double[,,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOConstr[,,] constrs, char[,,] values)

Set the value of the char attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOConstr[,,] constrs – Associated constraint 3D array.

  • char[,,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOConstr[,,] constrs, string[,,] values)

Set the value of the string attribute associated with a specific constraint 3D array.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute to be modified.

  • MDOConstr[,,] constrs – Associated constraint 3D array.

  • string[,,] values – The new value of the attribute to be set.

void Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, int value)

Set the value of the int attribute

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • int value – New value

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOQConstr[] qc, double[] values)

Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified quadratic constraints.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[] qc – The array of quadratic constraints.

  • double[] values – The array of values.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOQConstr[] qc, string[] values)

Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[] qc – The array of quadratic constraints.

  • string[] values – The array of values.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOQConstr[] qc, double[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[] qc – The array of quadratic constraints.

  • double[] values – The array of values.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOQConstr[] qc, string[] values, int start, int len)

Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with a specified quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[] qc – The array of quadratic constraints.

  • string[] values – The array of values.

  • int start – The starting index of the array.

  • int len – The number of attributes to be set.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOQConstr[,] qc, double[,] values)

Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[,] qc – The array of quadratic constraints.

  • double[,] values – The array of values.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOQConstr[,] qc, string[,] values)

Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[,] qc – The array of quadratic constraints.

  • string[,] values – The array of values.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOQConstr[,,] qc, double[,,] values)

Set the value of a specific double attribute associated with specified quadratic constraint.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[,,] qc – The array of quadratic constraints.

  • double[,,] values – The array of values.

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, MDOQConstr[,,] qc, string[,,] values)

Set the value of a specific string attribute associated with specified quadratic constraints.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name.

  • MDOQConstr[,,] qc – The array of quadratic constraints.

  • string[,,] values – The array of values.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, double value)

Set the value of the double attribute.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – Attribute name

  • double value – New value

void Set(MDO.StringAttr attr, string val)

Set the value of a string attribute.

  • MDO.StringAttr attr – Attribute name

  • string val – New value

Set(MDO.IntAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, int[] values)

Set the value of a specific attribute associated with specified variables.

  • MDO.IntAttr attr – Attribute to be set.

  • MDOVar[] vars – Associated variables.

  • int[] values – The new values of the attribute.

void Set(MDO.DoubleAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, double[] values)

Set the value of a specific attribute associated with a specified variable.

  • MDO.DoubleAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOVar[] vars – Associated variables.

  • double[] values – The new value of the attribute.

void Set(MDO.CharAttr attr, MDOVar[] vars, char[] values)

Set the value of a specific attribute associated with a specified variable.

  • MDO.CharAttr attr – The attribute to be set.

  • MDOVar[] vars – Associated variables.

  • char[] values – The new value of the attribute.

void SetCallback(MDOCallback? callback)

Set up a user-defined callback class object.


MDOCallback? callback – The user-defined callback class object.

void SetObjective(MDOExpr expr, int sense)

Set the objective function

  • MDOExpr expr – Objective function to be set

  • int sense – The optimization direction. MDO.MAXIMIZE(-1) refers to maximization and MDO.MINIMIZE(1) refers to minimization. If you enter other values, the current optimization direction will not be changed. The default optimization sense is MDO_MINIMIZE.

void SetObjective(MDOExpr expr)

Set the objective function


MDOExpr expr – Objective function to be set

void Write(string filename)

Write model data to a file.


string filename – The path to the file where data is serialized. Note that the data type and its compression type (optionally) are encoded in the file name suffix. Valid suffixes are .lp, .mps, and .qps for the model itself, and .sol, .bas, .prm, and .mst for solution data, basis data, parameter settings, and MIP starts. These can optionally be followed by a compression type such as .gz or .bz2.