8.2. Parameters¶
The following examples shows how to obtain parameters by five languages.
# pname = param name, ptype = param type, pval = current value, pmin = the minimum value that can be set, pmax = the maximum value that can be set, pdef = default value pname, ptype, pval, pmin, pmax, pdef = self.m.getParamInfo('MaxTime') pname, ptype, pval, pmin, pmax, pdef = self.m.getParamInfo('MaxTime?')Java
// Get int param env.get(MDO.IntParam.NumThreads); // Get double param model.get(MDO.DoubleParam.MaxTime);CPP
// Get int param env.get(MDO_IntParam_NumThreads); // Get double param model.get(MDO_DoubleParam_MaxTime);C
// Get int param int numt; MDOgetintparam(env, "NumThreads", &numt); // Get double param double maxtime; MDOgetdblparam(m, "MaxTime", &maxtime);C#
// Get int param env.Get(MDO.IntParam.NumThreads); // Get double param model.Get(MDO.DoubleParam.MaxTime);The following examples shows how to modify parameters by five languages
env.setParam("MaxTime", 10) env.setParam("MaxTim*", 10) env.setParam("MaxTim?", 10)Java
// Set int param env.set(MDO.IntParam.NumThreads, 5); // Set double param model.set(MDO.DoubleParam.MaxTime, 45.2);CPP
// Set int param env.set(MDO_IntParam_NumThreads, 5); // Set double param model.set(MDO_DoubleParam_MaxTime, 45.2);C
// Set int param MDOsetintparam(env, "NumThreads", 2); // Set double param MDOsetdblparam(m, "MaxTime", 34.2);C#
// Set int param env.Set(MDO.IntParam.NumThreads, 2); // Set double param model.Set(MDO.DoubleParam.MaxTime, 42.5);
8.2.1. Int parameters¶
Set whether to dualize the model
Set whether to enable the network simplex method
Set whether to detect Stochastic Linear Programming problem structure
Set the maximum number of iterations in the interior point method
Enables or disables console logging
Specify whether to enable dual presolve methods in MIP
Specify whether to enable automatical configuration for MIP
Specify whether to enable disconnected component strategy in MIP
Incorperating lazy constraints in the MILP solving process
Control the level of aggression of cut module, the larger the value, the more aggressive
Control the level of aggression of heuristic module, the larger the value, the more aggressive
Control the level of aggression of probing module, the larger the value, the more aggressive
Control the level of aggression of strong-branching module, the larger the value, the more aggressive
Control the level of aggression of submip module, the larger the value, the more aggressive
Set maximum node limit in MIP
Set the maximum solution limit in MIP
Set the maximum allowed stalling nodes
Set the maximum number of concurrent threads allowed by the root node in MIP
Set the index of suboptimal solution to get
Set the maximum number of solutions to be stored for obtaining in MIP
Set the selected optimization method
Set the number of threads used
Set the efforts spent on detecting and handling numerical issues that may occur
Enables or disables solver output
Set the method of post scaling used
Set whether to enable the presolver method
Set whether to use column generation in the simplex method
Set whether to use the initial basis solution generation method in the simplex method
Setting the dual pricing strategy in the simplex method
Set the maximum number of iterations in the simplex method
Setting the primal pricing strategy in the simplex method
Set the target of solution in LP problem Dualization¶
Set whether to dualize the model
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 1
The solver determines whether to perform dualization
Disables model dualization
Enables model dualization EnableNetworkFlow¶
Set whether to enable the network simplex method
Type: int
Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
Disables the network simplex method
Enables the network simplex method EnableStochasticLP¶
Set whether to detect Stochastic Linear Programming problem structure
Type: int
Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
Disables detection
Enables detection IPM/MaxIterations¶
Set the maximum number of iterations in the interior point method
Type: int
Default: 400
Min: 0
Max: 2147483647 LogToConsole¶
Enables or disables console logging. Use OutputFlag to shut off all logging.
Type: int
Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
Disables solver output to console.
Enables solver output to console. MIP/AllowDualPresolve¶
Specify whether to enable dual presolve methods in MIP
Type: int
Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
Disables dual presolve
Enables dual presolve MIP/AutoConfiguration¶
Specify whether to enable automatical configuration for MIP
Type: int
Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
Disables automatical configuration
Enables automatical configuration MIP/DetectDisconnectedComponents¶
Specify whether to enable disconnected component strategy in MIP
Type: int
Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
Disables disconnected component strategy
Enables disconnected component strategy MIP/EnableLazyConstr¶
Incorperating lazy constraints in the MILP solving process. If this option is activated, lazy constraint callbacks are invoked whenever a MILP solution is found. The generated lazy constraints are used by the solver to reduce the solution space. Note that some techniques, for instance, dual presolving reductions, are disabled under this option to avoid conflict with lazy constraints
Type: int
Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
automatic choice, disable lazy constraints
enable lazy constraints MIP/LevelCuts¶
Control the level of aggression of cut module, the larger the value, the more aggressive.
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 1
Let the solver determines its value
>= 0
The level of aggression MIP/LevelHeurs¶
Control the level of aggression of heuristic module, the larger the value, the more aggressive.
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 2
Let the solver determines its value
>= 0
The level of aggression MIP/LevelProbing¶
Control the level of aggression of probing module, the larger the value, the more aggressive.
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 3
Let the solver determines its value
>= 0
The level of aggression MIP/LevelStrong¶
Control the level of aggression of strong-branching module, the larger the value, the more aggressive.
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 5
Let the solver determines its value
>= 0
The level of aggression MIP/LevelSubmip¶
Control the level of aggression of submip module, the larger the value, the more aggressive.
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 3
Let the solver determines its value
>= 0
The level of aggression MIP/MaxNodes¶
Set maximum node limit in MIP
Type: int
Default: 2147483647
Min: 0
Max: 2147483647 MIP/MaxSols¶
Set the maximum solution limit in MIP
Type: int
Default: 2147483647
Min: 1
Max: 2147483647 MIP/MaxStallingNodes¶
Set the maximum allowed stalling nodes
Type: int
Default: 2147483647
Min: 0
Max: 2147483647 MIP/RootParallelism¶
Set the maximum number of concurrent threads allowed by the root node in MIP
Type: int
Default: 8
Min: 1
Max: 256 MIP/SolutionNumber¶
Set the index of suboptimal solution to get. After parameter set, access attribute Xn to retrieve corresponding suboptimal solution.
Type: int
Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 65536 MIP/SolutionPoolSize¶
Set the maximum number of solutions to be stored for obtaining in MIP
Type: int
Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 65536 Method¶
Set the selected optimization method
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -2
Max: 2
The multi-thread simplex method is used
The solver determines the method (concurrent optimization)
The primal simplex method is used
The dual simplex method is used
The IPM is used NumThreads¶
Set the number of threads used
Type: int
Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 2147483647
The solver determines how many threads will be used.
The maximum number of threads allowed NumericFocus¶
Set the efforts spent on detecting and handling numerical issues that may occur when solving continuous problems.
Type: int
Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 2
Automatic choice, slightly preference of speed
strong focus on numerical accuracy
mild focus on numerical accuracy
Set the efforts spent on detecting and handling numerical issues that may occur when solving mixed integer linear problems.
Type: int
Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 3
Automatic choice, slightly preference of speed
mild focus on numerical accuracy
medium focus on numerical accuracy
strong focus on numerical accuracy OutputFlag¶
Enables or disables solver output. Use LogFile and LogToConsole for finer-grain control.
Type: int
Default: 1
Min: 0
Max: 1
Disables solver output.
Enables solver output. PostScaling¶
Set the method of post scaling used.
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 3
Let solver decides.
Disable scaling method.
The Curtis-Reid scaling method is used.
The Equilibration scaling method is used.
The Geometric scaling method is used. Presolve¶
Set whether to enable the presolver method
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 2
The solver determines the level
Disables all presolve methods
Enables a moderate presolve method
Enables a strong presolve method SPX/ColumnGeneration¶
Set whether to use column generation in the simplex method
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 1
The solver determines whether to use column generation
Disables column generation
Enables column generation SPX/CrashStart¶
Set whether to use the initial basis solution generation method in the simplex method
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 1
The solver determines whether to use initial basic solution generation
Uses the fundamental initial basic solution generation
Uses the advanced initial basic solution generation SPX/DualPricing¶
Setting the dual pricing strategy in the simplex method
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 1
The solver determines the strategy
The steepest-edge pricing strategy is used
The approximate steepest-edge pricing strategy is used SPX/MaxIterations¶
Set the maximum number of iterations in the simplex method
Type: int
Default: 2147483647
Min: 0
Max: 2147483647 SPX/PrimalPricing¶
Setting the primal pricing strategy in the simplex method
Type: int
Default: -1
Min: -1
Max: 2
The solver determines the strategy
The steepest-edge pricing strategy is used
The approximate steepest-edge pricing strategy is used
The partial pricing strategy is used SolutionTarget¶
Set the target of solution in LP problem
Type: int
Default: 0
Min: 0
Max: 1
enable crossover (default)
disable crossove
8.2.2. Double parameters¶
Set the dual relative feasibility tolerance in the interior point method
Set the dual relative gap tolerance in the interior point method
Set the primal relative feasibility tolerance in the interior point method
Set the objective cutoff to avoid finding solutions worse than this value in MIP
Set absolute gap allowed for a MIP model
Set relative gap allowed for a MIP model
Set the integer judgment precision in MIP solution
Set the largest coefficient for reformulated the non-linear functions in MIP
Set the objective value comparison accuracy in MIP solution
Set the maximum solve time
Set the dual feasibility tolerance for the simplex method
Set the primal feasibility tolerance for the simplex method IPM/DualTolerance¶
Set the dual relative feasibility tolerance in the interior point method
Type: double
Default: 1e-08
Min: 1e-12
Max: 0.1 IPM/GapTolerance¶
Set the dual relative gap tolerance in the interior point method
Type: double
Default: 1e-08
Min: 1e-12
Max: 0.1 IPM/PrimalTolerance¶
Set the primal relative feasibility tolerance in the interior point method
Type: double
Default: 1e-08
Min: 1e-12
Max: 0.1 MIP/Cutoff¶
Set the objective cutoff to avoid finding solutions worse than this value in MIP
Type: double
Default: 1.7976931348623157e+308
Min: -1.7976931348623157e+308
Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308 MIP/GapAbs¶
Set absolute gap allowed for a MIP model
Type: double
Default: 1e-06
Min: 0.0
Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308 MIP/GapRel¶
Set relative gap allowed for a MIP model
Type: double
Default: 0.0001
Min: 0.0
Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308 MIP/IntegerTolerance¶
Set the integer judgment precision in MIP solution
Type: double
Default: 1e-06
Min: 1e-09
Max: 0.01 MIP/LinearizationBigM¶
Set the largest coefficient for reformulated the non-linear functions in MIP
Type: double
Default: 100000000.0
Min: 0.0
Max: 10000000000.0 MIP/ObjectiveTolerance¶
Set the objective value comparison accuracy in MIP solution
Type: double
Default: 1e-06
Min: 1e-09
Max: 0.01 MaxTime¶
Set the maximum solve time
Type: double
Default: 1.7976931348623157e+308
Min: 0.0
Max: 1.7976931348623157e+308
No solving time limit
Set solving time limit in seconds SPX/DualTolerance¶
Set the dual feasibility tolerance for the simplex method
Type: double
Default: 1e-06
Min: 1e-09
Max: 0.001 SPX/PrimalTolerance¶
Set the primal feasibility tolerance for the simplex method
Type: double
Default: 1e-06
Min: 1e-09
Max: 0.001
8.2.3. String parameters¶
Determines the name of the MindOpt log file LogFile¶
Determines the name of the MindOpt log file. Modifying this parameter closes the current log file and opens the specified file. Use an empty string for no log file. Use OutputFlag to shut off all logging.
Type: string
Default: ‘’