8.7.18. QuadExpr¶
- class QuadExpr¶
Represents a quadratic expression. A quadratic expression consists of zero or more quadratic terms and a linear expression. A quadratic expression can be obtained through arithmetic operations. For example:
# the square of the variable x ** 2 # variable multiplication x * y # linear expression multiplied by a variable linExpr * x
Construct a quadratic expression
Add all terms of another expression to the current quadratic expression
Add a value to the constant term of the quadratic expression
Add one or more term(s)
Clear all included terms and set the constant to 0
Return a copy of a quadratic expression
Obtain the coefficient of a quadratic term from expression
Obtain the constant term of a quadratic expression
Get a linear expression contained in a quadratic expression
After solving the problem, obtain the value of the quadratic expression
Get the first variable of a quadratic term in a quadratic expression
Get the second variable of a quadratic term in a quadratic expression
Delete terms from an expression based on specified criteria
Obtain the number of quadratic terms, excluding linear terms and constant terms
- __init__(expr=None)¶
Construct a quadratic expression
- Parameters
expr=None – The initial value of a quadratic expression, which can be a constant, a variable, a linear expression, or another quadratic expression.
QuadExpr() QuadExpr(1) QuadExpr(x) QuadExpr(2 * x + y) QuadExpr(2 * x * x)
- add(expr, mult=1.0)¶
Add all terms of another expression to the current quadratic expression.
- Parameters
expr – Another expression.
mult=1.0 – Multiplier. Default value: 1.0.
quadExpr.add(linExpr, -1) quadExpr.add(quadExpr1, -1)
- addConstant(c)¶
Add a value to the constant term of the quadratic expression.
- Parameters
c – The value to be added. A negative number indicates that this value should be subtracted.
- addTerms(coeffs, vars, vars2=None)¶
Add one or more term(s).
- Parameters
coeffs – The coefficient of the term(s) to be added, which may be a number or an array.
vars – The variable of the term(s) to be added, which can be a single variable or an array.
vars2=None – If it is not None, it indicates the second variable of the quadratic term, which can be a single variable or an array.
quadExpr.addTerms([1, 2], [x, y]) quadExpr.addTerms(1, x) quadExpr.addTerms(1, x, y)
- clear()¶
Clear all included terms and set the constant to 0
quadExpr = 2 * x * x +3 * y +1 quadExpr.clear() print(quadExpr.size() == 0) print(quadExpr.getLinExpr().size() == 0) print(quadExpr.getConstant() == 0)
- copy()¶
Return a copy of a quadratic expression.
another = quadExpr.copy()
- getCoeff(index)¶
Obtain the coefficient of a quadratic term from expression.
- Parameters
index – The index of the term.
quadExpr = 2 * x + 1 * y + 3 * z * z print(quadExpr.getCoeff(0) == 2)
- getConstant()¶
Obtain the constant term of a quadratic expression.
- getLinExpr()¶
Get a linear expression contained in a quadratic expression
quadExpr = 2 * x * x + 3 * y + 1 print(quadExpr.getLinExpr().size() == 1) print(quadExpr.getLinExpr().getConstant() == 1)
- getValue()¶
After solving the problem, obtain the value of the quadratic expression
m.optimize() quadExpr = 2 * x * x + y print(quadExpr.getValue())
- getVar1(index)¶
Get the first variable of a quadratic term in a quadratic expression.
- Parameters
index – index of quadratic term in expression
quadExpr = 2 * x + 1 * y + 3 * x * y print(quadExpr.getVar1(0).sameAs(x))
- getVar2(index)¶
Get the second variable of a quadratic term in a quadratic expression.
- Parameters
index – index of quadratic term in expression
quadExpr = 2 * x + 1 * y + 3 * x * y print(quadExpr.getVar2(0).sameAs(y))
- remove(item)¶
Delete terms from an expression based on specified criteria.
- Parameters
item – If item is a number, the term at the index item is removed. If item is a variable, all terms containing this variable, including quadratic and linear terms, are deleted.
quadExpr = 2 * x * x +3 * y + 4 * x quadExpr.remove(1) quadExpr.remove(x) print(quadExpr.size() == 0) print(quadExpr.getLinExpr().size() == 0)
- size()¶
Obtain the number of quadratic terms, excluding linear terms and constant terms.
quadExpr = 2 * x * x + 3 * y + 1 print(quadExpr.size() == 1)