1. Introduction
2. Overview
2.1. Quick Start
2.1.1. Overview of Solving Capabilities
2.1.2. Acquisition and Deployment
2.1.3. Usage and Modeling Tools
2.1.4. Case Examples and Learning Tools
2.2. Change Log
2.2.1. V2.1.0
2.2.2. V2.0.0
2.2.3. V1.3.0
2.2.4. V1.2.1
2.2.5. V1.2.0
2.2.6. V1.1.0
2.2.7. V1.0.1
2.2.8. V1.0.0
2.2.9. V0.25.0
2.2.10. V0.24.1
2.2.11. V0.24.0
2.2.12. V0.23.1
2.2.13. V0.23.0
2.2.14. Previous version
2.3. License Agreement
2.3.1. MindOpt Solver
2.3.2. ZLIB
2.3.3. BZLIB2
2.3.4. Intel MKL
2.3.5. Sphinx
2.3.6. JSON for C++
2.3.7. Cereal
2.3.8. CURL
2.3.9. TFlite
3. Installation
3.1. Supported Platforms
3.2. Installer Download
3.3. Installation Instructions
3.3.1. Windows Platform
3.3.2. Linux Platform
3.3.3. macOS Platform
3.4. Directory Structure
3.5. License Setup
3.5.1. License Acquisition
3.5.2. License Configuration
3.5.3. Windows Platform
3.5.4. Linux & macOS Platforms
3.5.5. Common Error Codes
4. Command-Line & API
4.1. Command Line
4.1.1. Brief Description
4.1.2. An Example
4.1.3. Input File Format
4.1.4. Parameter Settings
4.1.5. Data Desensitization
4.2. Call
with C
4.2.1. Edit .c File
4.2.2. Compile on Linux Platform
4.2.3. Compile on macOS Platform
4.2.4. Compile on Windows Platform
4.3. Call
with C++
4.3.1. Edit .cpp File
4.3.2. Compile on Linux Platform
4.3.3. Compile on macOS Platform
4.3.4. Compile on Windows Platform
4.4. Call
with Python
4.4.1. Install mindoptpy Library
4.4.2. Edit .py File
4.4.3. Execution on Windows Platform
4.4.4. Execution on Linux and macOS
4.5. Call
with JAVA
4.5.1. Edit .java File
4.5.2. Compile on Linux and macOS Platforms
4.5.3. Compile on Windows Platform
4.6. Call
with C#
4.6.1. Edit .cs File
4.6.2. Compile on Linux and macOS Platforms
4.6.3. Compile on Windows Platform
4.7. Call
4.7.1. Edit .m File
4.7.2. Execution on Linux
4.7.3. Execution on macOS
4.7.4. Execution on Windows
5. Modeling and Optimization
5.1. Linear Programming (LP)
5.1.1. Modeling for Linear Programming
5.1.2. LP Modeling and Optimization in C
5.1.3. LP Modeling and Optimization in C++
5.1.4. LP Modeling and Optimization in JAVA
5.1.5. LP Modeling and Optimization in Python
5.1.6. LP Modeling and Optimization in C#
5.2. Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP)
5.2.1. Modeling for Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
5.2.2. MILP Modeling and Optimization in C
5.2.3. MILP Modeling and Optimization in C++
5.2.4. MILP Modeling and Optimization in JAVA
5.2.5. MILP Modeling and Optimization in Python
5.2.6. MILP Modeling and Optimization in C#
5.2.7. MILP Warmstart
5.2.8. General Constraints in MILP
5.2.9. MILP Solution Pool
5.3. Quadratic Programming (QP)
5.3.1. Modeling for Quadratic Programming
5.3.2. QP Modeling and Optimization in C
5.3.3. QP Modeling and Optimization in C++
5.3.4. QP Modeling and Optimization in JAVA
5.3.5. QP Modeling and Optimization in Python
5.3.6. QP Modeling and Optimization in C#
5.4. Quadratically Constrained Programming (QCP)
5.4.1. Modeling for Quadratically Constrained Programming
5.4.2. QCP Modeling and Optimization in C
5.4.3. QCP Modeling and Optimization in C++
5.4.4. QCP Modeling and Optimization in Python
5.4.5. QCP Modeling and Optimization in Java
5.4.6. QCP Modeling and Optimization in C#
5.5. Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP)
5.5.1. Modeling for Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming
5.5.2. MIQP Modeling and Optimization in C
5.5.3. MIQP Modeling and Optimization in C++
5.5.4. MIQP Modeling and Optimization in Python
5.5.5. MIQP Modeling and Optimization in JAVA
5.5.6. MIQP Modeling and Optimization in C#
5.6. Mixed-Integer Quadratically Constrained Programming (MIQCP)
5.6.1. Modeling for Mixed Integer Quadratically Constrained Programming
5.6.2. MIQCP Modeling and Optimization in C
5.6.3. MIQCP Modeling and Optimization in C++
5.6.4. MIQCP Modeling and Optimization in Python
5.6.5. MIQCP Modeling and Optimization in Java
5.6.6. MIQCP Modeling and Optimization in C#
5.7. Semi-Definite Programming (SDP)
5.7.1. Modeling for Semi-Definite Programming
5.7.2. SDP Modeling and Optimization in C
5.7.3. SDP Modeling and Optimization in C++
5.7.4. SDP Modeling and Optimization in JAVA
5.7.5. SDP Modeling and Optimization in Python
5.7.6. SDP Modeling and Optimization in C#
5.8. Non-Linear Programming (NLP)
5.8.1. Non-linear Programming Modeling
5.8.2. Modeling and Optimization Based on MAPL
5.8.3. Modeling and Optimization Based on MaplPy
6. Advanced Modeling Tools
6.1. Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem (IIS)
6.1.1. IIS Computation in C
6.1.2. IIS Computation in C++
6.1.3. IIS Computation in Python
6.2. Callback
6.2.1. Callback API
6.2.2. Callback Code
6.2.3. Callback SDK
6.2.4. Example
7. Modeling Languages for
7.1. MindOpt APL
7.1.1. Try MAPL Locally
7.1.2. Try MAPL on the Cloud
7.1.3. Set
Parameters with MAPL
7.1.4. An Example of MAPL
7.2. AMPL
7.2.1. Install
7.2.2. Install AMPL
7.2.3. Parameters and Return Values
7.2.4. An Example of AMPL Calling MindOpt
7.3. Pyomo
7.3.1. Install Pyomo
7.3.2. Pyomo Interface
7.3.3. SOS Function
7.3.4. Callback Function
7.3.5. Modeling Example: mdo_pyomo_lo_ex1
7.4. PuLP
7.4.1. Install PuLP
7.4.2. PuLP Interface
7.4.3. Modeling Example: mdo_pulp_lo_ex1
7.5. JuMP
7.5.1. Install JuMP
7.5.2. JuMP Interface
7.5.3. Modeling Example: jump_lp_ex1
8. API
8.1. Attributes
8.1.1. Model attributes
8.1.2. Variable attributes
8.1.3. Constraint attributes
8.1.4. Quadratic constraint attributes
8.1.5. General constraint attributes
8.1.6. PSD variable attributes
8.1.7. PSD constraint attributes
8.2. Parameters
8.2.1. Int parameters
8.2.2. Double parameters
8.2.3. String parameters
8.3. Constants
8.3.1. status
8.3.2. errors
8.4. C API
8.4.1. Attribute Accessor
8.4.2. Parameter Accessor
8.4.3. Environment
8.4.4. Model Operations
8.4.5. Callback
8.4.6. Examples
8.5. C++ API
8.5.1. MDOException
8.5.2. MDOMatrix
8.5.3. MDOVar
8.5.4. MDOConstr
8.5.5. MDOQConstr
8.5.6. MDOSOS
8.5.7. MDOGenConstr
8.5.8. MDOPsdVar
8.5.9. MDOPsdConstr
8.5.10. MDOLinExpr
8.5.11. MDOQuadExpr
8.5.12. MDOPsdExpr
8.5.13. MDOColumn
8.5.14. MDOTempConstr
8.5.15. MDOEnv
8.5.16. MDOModel
8.5.17. MDOCallback
8.5.18. Examples
8.6.1. MDOException
8.6.2. MDOMatrix
8.6.3. MDOEnv
8.6.4. MDOPsdExpr
8.6.5. MDOConstr
8.6.6. MDOQConstr
8.6.7. MDOSOS
8.6.8. MDOGenConstr
8.6.9. MDOPsdConstr
8.6.10. MDOPsdVar
8.6.11. MDOColumn
8.6.12. MDOVar
8.6.13. MDOModel
8.6.14. MDOLinExpr
8.6.15. MDOQuadExpr
8.6.16. MDOCallback
8.6.17. Get mindoptj
8.6.18. Examples
8.7. Python API
8.7.1. Global functions
8.7.2. MindoptError
8.7.3. tuplelist
8.7.4. tupledict
8.7.5. Var
8.7.6. MVar
8.7.7. PsdVar
8.7.8. Constr
8.7.9. QConstr
8.7.10. SOS
8.7.11. GenConstr
8.7.12. MConstr
8.7.13. MQConstr
8.7.14. PsdConstr
8.7.15. TempConstr
8.7.16. Column
8.7.17. LinExpr
8.7.18. QuadExpr
8.7.19. MLinExpr
8.7.20. MQuadExpr
8.7.21. PsdExpr
8.7.22. Env
8.7.23. Model
8.7.24. Examples
8.8. C# API
8.8.1. MDOException
8.8.2. MDOMatrix
8.8.3. MDOEnv
8.8.4. MDOPsdExpr
8.8.5. MDOConstr
8.8.6. MDOQConstr
8.8.7. MDOSOS
8.8.8. MDOGenConstr
8.8.9. MDOPsdConstr
8.8.10. MDOPsdVar
8.8.11. MDOColumn
8.8.12. MDOVar
8.8.13. MDOModel
8.8.14. MDOLinExpr
8.8.15. MDOQuadExpr
8.8.16. MDOCallback
8.8.17. Examples
8.9.1. MATLAB functions
8.9.2. model
8.9.3. Examples
9. Contact Us
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